Section 8 Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881


Section 8 Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 in Hindi and English 

Section 8 Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 :The "holder" of a promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque means any person entitled in his own name to the possession thereof and to receive or recover the amount due thereon from the parties thereto. 

Where the note, bill or cheque is lost or destroyed, its holder is the person so entitled at the time of such loss or destruction.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Case Law Related to Section 8 of Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 :

Shailendra Swarup vs The Deputy Director,Enforcement on 27 July, 2020

Rev.Mother Marykutty vs Reni C Kottaram & Anr on 12 October, 2012

U. Ponnappa Moothan Sons, Palghat vs Catholic Syrian Bank Ltd. And on 18 September, 1990

Al. Pr. Ranganathan Chettiar vs Al. Pr. Al. Periakaruppan on 24 May, 1957

Milind Shripad Chandurkar vs Kalim M.Khan & Anr on 3 March, 2011

Punjab & Sindh Bank vs Vinkar Sahakari Bank Ltd And Ors on 17 September, 2001

Official Receiver, Kanpur And vs Abdul Shakur And Others on 11 September, 1964

परक्राम्य लिखत अधिनियम, 1881 की धारा 8 का विवरण :  -  वचन-पत्र, विनिमय-पत्र या चैक के “धारक' से कोई भी ऐसा व्यक्ति अभिप्रेत है जो स्वयं अपने नाम से उस पर कब्जा रखने का और उस पर शोध्य रकम उसके पक्षकारों से प्राप्त करने या वसूल करने का हकदार है । 

जहाँ कि वचन-पत्र, विनिमय-पत्र या चैक खो जाता है या नष्ट हो जाता है, वहाँ उसका धारक वह व्यक्ति है जो कि ऐसे खो जाने या नष्ट होने के समय ऐसा हकदार था ।

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