Brij Bhushan And Anr. vs The State Of Delhi - Supreme Court Judgement
Brij Bhushan And Anr. vs The State Of Delhi - Supreme Court Judgement 1950 Supreme Court of India Brij Bhushan And Anr. vs The State Of Delhi on 2 March, 1950 Equivalent citations: 1950 SuppSCR 245 Author: F Ali Bench: B Mukerjea, M C Mahajan, P Sastri, S Dass, S F Ali JUDGMENT Fazl Ali, J. 1. The question raised in this case relates to the validity of section 7(1) (c) of the East Punjab Public Safety Act, 1949 (as extended to the Province of Delhi), which runs as follows :- "The Provincial Government or any authority authorised by it in this behalf if satisfied that such action is necessary for the purpose of preventing or combating any activity prejudicial to the public safety or the maintenance of public order may, by order in writing addressed to a printer, publisher or editor - * * * * ...