
Showing posts from February, 2021

भारतीय दंड संहिता | IPC in Hindi

 भारतीय दंड संहिता, 1860  Indian Penal Code 1860 IPC in Hindi - Here is the list of IPC sections in Hindi which is a substantive penal code. IPC is part of major criminal code along with CrPC and Indian Evidence Act. In Indian Penal Code there are total 511 sections and various explanations, definitions, types of crimes and punishments for various offences has been given. Here is the list of Indian Penal Code in Hindi. List of 100+  Landmark Cases  of Supreme Court India   आईपीसी, 1860 (भारतीय दंड संहिता) एक व्यापक कानून है जो भारत में आपराधिक कानून के वास्तविक पहलुओं को शामिल करता है। यह अपराधों को बताता है और उनमें से प्रत्येक के लिए सजा और जुर्माना बताता है। धारा 1 - संहिता का नाम और उसके प्रवर्तन का विस्तार धारा 2 - भारत के भीतर किए गए अपराधों का दण्ड ।  धारा 3 - भारत से परे किए गए किन्तु उसके भीतर विधि के अनुसार विचारणीय अपराधों का दण्ड। धारा 4 - राज्यक्षेत्रातीत / अपर देशीय अपराधों पर संहिता का विस्तार। धारा 5 - कुछ विधियों पर इस अधिनियम द्वारा प...

What is CrPC and IPC?

 What is CrPC and IPC? CrPC is Criminal Procedure Code while IPC is Indian Penal Code. Both are criminal major codes. IPC is a substantive law which provides information about types of offences and punishments for the various offences given in Indian Penal Code while CrPC is about how the criminal justice system works inside and outside the court. Various procedures about the criminal justice system in India and courts functioning is explained and procedure has been laid down in Criminal Procedure Code of 1973. Indian Penal Code is a pre constitutional or British era law which was enacted in 1860 and commenced from 1862. 

How many sections is IPC?

 How many sections is IPC? Indian Penal Code or IPC contains total 511 sections divided into 23 chapters. IPC is exhaustive substantive penal law of India. Few popular sections of IPC include Section 302 which is about punishment of Murder, 376 IPC is about punishment for Rape, Section 377 is about Homosexuality, Section 420 is about Cheating etc.

What UAPA Means?

 The question is What UAPA means? It means Unlawful Activities Prevention Act. It is an act passed by Parliament of India and applicable across the length and breadth of country. UAPA was enacted in 1967 but scope of this act was expanded in later years through various amendments. Act contains total 53 sections and 3 schedules. UAPA 1967 Chapter 1 - Section 1 to Section 2 of the UAPA 1967 ( Preliminary) deals with short title, extent and definitions used in the act.  Chapter 2 - Section 3 to Section 9 of the UAPA 1967  deals with Unlawful Associations. Chapter 3 - Section 10 to Section 14 of the UAPA 1967  deals with Offences and Penalties. Chapter 4 - Section 15 to Section 23 of the UAPA 1967  deals with Punishment for Terrorist Activities. Chapter 5 - Section 24 to Section 34 of the UAPA 1967  deals with forfeiture of proceeds of  terrorism or an property intended to be used for terrorism. Chapter 6 - Section 35 to Section 40 of the UAPA 1967  d...

Legal News Updates 2021

 Legal News Updates  Mumbai Deputy Chief of Police Abhishek Trimukhe files a case of criminal defamation against Arnab Goswami Editor in chief of Republic TV , his wife and the owner of the channel .  Congress Leader Shashi Tharoor , India Today Editor Rajdeep Sardesai , The Carvan's Editor Vinod K Jose and other journalists including Mrinal Pandey , Zafar Agha , Paresh Nath and Anand Nath moves to the Supreme Court to quash the FIR lodged against them which alleges that they had misreported during the Farmer's Protest causing disharmony in the society .  A Protestor near the Kerala High Court throws motor oil on the official car of Justice V . Shircy , Protestor was reportedly holding a placard near the Kerela High Court protesting against the delay in the case of missing 3rd year college student Jasna Maria James . An Advocate Joseph Roney Rose addressed a letter to the Registrar General of Kerela High Court raising concern on the security provided to a High ...