Section 113 The Army Act, 1950


Section 113 The Army Act, 1950 in Hindi and English 

Section 113 The Army Act, 1950  :. Composition of general court- martial. A general court- martial shall consist of not less than five officers, each of whom has held a commission for not less than three

1. Subs. by Act 19 of 1955, s. 2, and Sch., for." the Commander- in- Chief". whole years and of whom not less than four are of a rank not below that of captain.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Case Law Related to Section 113 of The Army Act, 1950  :

Lt. Col. Prithi Pal Singh Bedi Etc vs Union Of India & Others on 25 August, 1982

Union Of India And Ors vs Subedar Ram Narain Etc on 15 September, 1998

Union Of India & Ors vs Vishav Priya Singh on 5 July, 2016

Bachan Singh vs Union Of India & Ors on 10 July, 2008

Union Of India & Anr vs Charanjit S. Gill & Ors on 24 April, 2000

Chief Of The Army Staff And Others vs Major Dharam Pal Kukrety on 21 March, 1985

Sukhdev Singh Gill vs State Of Punjab And Ors on 19 October, 2000

सेना अधिनियम, 1950 की धारा 113 का विवरण :  - जनरल सेना-न्यायालय की संरचना - जनरल सेना-न्यायालय कम से कम पांच ऐसे आफिसरों से मिलकर बनेगा जिनमें से हर एक कम से कम तीन पूरे वर्ष तक आयोग धारण कर चुका है और जिनमें से कम से कम चार कैप्टन के रैंक से नीचे के रैंक के न हों।

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