Section 116 The Army Act, 1950


Section 116 The Army Act, 1950 in Hindi and English 

Section 116 The Army Act, 1950  :. Summary court- martial.

(1) A summary court- martial may be held by the commanding officer of any corps, department or detachment of the regular Army, and he shall alone constitute the court.

(2) The proceedings shall be attended throughout by two other persons who shall be officers or junior commissioned officers or one of either, and who shall not as such, be sworn or affirmed.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Case Law Related to Section 116 of The Army Act, 1950  :

Union Of India & Ors vs Dinesh Prasad on 30 October, 2012

Vidya Prakash vs Union Of India & Ors on 10 February, 1988

Union Of India & Ors vs Vishav Priya Singh on 5 July, 2016

Sheel Kr. Roy vs Secretary M/O Defence & Ors on 18 May, 2007

Pradeep Singh vs Union Of India & Ors on 19 April, 2007

Ombir Singh vs Union Of India on 5 May, 1993

सेना अधिनियम, 1950 की धारा 116 का विवरण :  - सम्मरी सेना-न्यायालय - (1) सम्मरी सेना - न्यायालय नियमित सेना के किसी कोर, विभाग या टुकड़ी के कमान आफिसर द्वारा अधिविष्ट किया जा सकेगा और वह न्यायालय अकेले उससे ही गठित होगा।

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