Section 31 Contract Act 1872

Section 31 Contract Act 1872 in Hindi and English 

Section 31 Contract Act 1872 :“Contingent contract" defined - A "contingent contract" is a contract to do or not to do something, if some event, collateral to such contract, does or does not happen.


A contracts to pay to B Rs.10,000 if B's house is burnt. This is a contingent contract.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Case Law Related to Section 31 of Contract Act 1872 :

Asha John Divianathan vs Vikram Malhotra . on 26 February, 2021

Ramesh Himmatlal Shah vs Harsukh Jadhavji Joshi on 25 April, 1975

Gurpreet Singh vs Union Of India on 19 October, 2006

Gurpreet Singh vs Union Of India on 19 October, 2006

Jatinder Nath vs M/S Chopra Land Developers Pvt. on 2 March, 2007

Lalit Kumar Jain vs Union Of India on 21 May, 2021

Mcdermott International Inc vs Burn Standard Co. Ltd. & Ors on 12 May, 2006

Commissioner Of Wealth Tax, vs Her Highness Vijayaba, Dowger  on 9 March, 1979

S.K.Jain vs State Of Haryana & Anr on 23 February, 2009

Committee Of Creditors Of Essar vs Satish Kumar Gupta on 15 November, 2019

भारतीय संविदा अधिनियम, 1872 की धारा 31 का विवरण :  -  “समाश्रित संविदा" की परिभाषा -- “समाश्रित संविदा' वह संविदा है जो ऐसी संविदा में साम्पाश्विक किसी घटना के घटित होने या न होने पर ही किसी बात को करने या न करने के लिए हो।


'ख' से 'क' संविदा करता है कि यदि 'ख' का गृह जल जाए तो वह 'ख' को 10,000 रुपये देगा। यह समाश्रित संविदा है।

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