Section 24 The Arms Act, 1959

  Section 24 The Arms Act, 1959 in Hindi and English 

Section 24 The Arms Act, 1959:The Central Government may at any time order the seizure of any arms or ammunition in the possession of any person, notwithstanding that such person is entitled by virtue of this Act or any other law for the time being in force to have the same in his possession, and may detain the same for such period as it thinks necessary for the public peace and safety.


Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Case Law Related to Section 24 of The Arms Act, 1959 :

Ibrahim Musa Chauhan @ Baba vs State Of Maharashtra on 21 March, 2013

Hikmat Ali Khan vs Ishwar Prasad Arya & Ors on 28 January, 1997

State Of Rajasthan vs Raja Ram on 13 August, 2003

Firozuddin Basheeruddin & Ors vs State Of Kerala on 20 August, 2001

Anter Singh vs State Of Rajasthan on 5 February, 2004

Mohd.Arif @ Ashfaq vs State Of Nct Of Delhi on 10 August, 2011

State Of Maharashtra vs Vishwanath Maranna Shetty on 19 October, 2012

State Of Rajasthan vs Raja Ram on 13 August, 2003

The State Of Tripura vs The Province Of East Bengalunion on 20 December, 1950

State Of Bombay vs Narothamdas Jethabai And Anr. on 20 December, 1950

आयुध अधिनियम, 1959 की धारा 24 का विवरण :  - केन्द्रीय सरकार किसी भी व्यक्ति के कब्जे में के किन्हीं भी आयुधों या किसी भी गोलाबारूद के अभिग्रहण का आदेश किसी भी समय, इस बात के होते हुए भी दे सकेगी कि ऐसा व्यक्ति उन्हें या उसके इस अधिनियम या किसी अन्य तत्समय प्रवृत्त विधि के आधार पर अपने कब्जे में रखने का हकदार है, और उन्हें इतनी कालावधि तक विरुद्ध कर सकेगी जितनी वह लोक शान्ति और क्षेम के लिए आवश्यक समझे ।

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