Section 210 Contract Act 1872


Section 210 Contract Act 1872 in Hindi and English 

Section 210 Contract Act 1872 :Termination of sub-agent's authority — The termination of the authority of an agent causes the termination (subject to the rules herein contained regarding the termination of an agent's authority) of the authority of all sub-agents appointed by him.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Case Law Related to Section 210 of Contract Act 1872 :

Bright Brothers (Private) vs J.K. Sayani on 2 January, 1975

Madras High Court 

Roshanlal vs Deputy on 23 September, 2008

Gujarat High Court 

J.K. Sayani vs Bright Brothers Pvt. Ltd. on 26 April, 1979

Madras High Court 

Appayya Shetty, Manager, Tile vs P.M. Mahammade Beari And Ors. on 10 August, 1915

Madras High Court 

Appayya Shetty vs B.P.M. Mahammad Beari And Two Ors. on 10 August, 1915

Madras High Court 

Mohammad Matteen Qidwai vs The Governor-General In Council on 28 April, 1952

Allahabad High Court 

M/S. Northland Traders And Others vs Bank Of Baroda on 15 March, 1994

Allahabad High Court

Munusamy vs Subramanian on 9 February, 2017

Madras High Court 

Munusamy vs Subramanian on 9 February, 2017

Madras High Court 

भारतीय संविदा अधिनियम, 1872 की धारा 210 का विवरण :  -  उपाभिकर्ता के प्राधिकार का पर्यवसान -- अभिकर्ता के प्राधिकार का पर्यवसान उन सब उपाभिकर्ताओं के, जो उसने नियुक्त किए हों, प्राधिकार का (उन नियमों के अध्यधीन, जो अभिकर्ता के प्राधिकार के पर्यवसान के बारे में एतस्मिन अन्तर्विष्ट है) पर्यवसान कारित कर देता है।

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