Section 175 Contract Act 1872

 Section 175 Contract Act 1872 in Hindi and English 

Section 175 Contract Act 1872 :Pawnee's right as to extraordinary expenses incurred - The pawnee is entitled to receive from the pawnor extraordinary expenses incurred by him for the preservation of the goods pledged.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Case Law Related to Section 175 of Contract Act 1872 :

State Of West Bengal vs M/S. B. K. Mondal And Sons on 5 December, 1961

The New Marine Coal Co. (Bengal) vs Union Of India on 5 April, 1963

Ram Karan(D) Tr.Lrs.& Ors vs State Of Rajasthan & Ors on 30 June, 2014

Union Of India vs J. K. Gas Plant on 29 April, 1980

Hari Chand Madan Gopal And Others vs State Of Punjab on 6 October, 1972

Mulamchand vs State Of Madhya Pradesh on 20 February, 1968

State Of Uttar Pradesh & Anr vs Murari Lal & Brothers Ltd on 3 August, 1971

Lallan Prasad vs Rahmat Ali & Anr on 13 December, 1966

Central Bank Of India vs Siriguppa Sugars & Chemicals Ltd. on 7 August, 2007

Chatturbhuj Vithaldas Jasani vs Moreshwar Parashram And Others on 15 February, 1954

भारतीय संविदा अधिनियम, 1872 की धारा 175 का विवरण :  -  उपगत गैर-मामूली व्ययों के बारे में पणयमदार का अधिकार -- पणयमदार गिरवी माल के परीक्षण के लिए अपने द्वारा उपगत गैर-मामूली व्ययों को पणयमदार से प्राप्त करने का हकदार है।

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