Section 173 Contract Act 1872


Section 173 Contract Act 1872 in Hindi and English 

Section 173 Contract Act 1872 :Pawnee's right of retainer --The pawnee may retain the goods pledged, not only for payment of the debt or the performance of the promise, but for the interests of the debt, and all necessary expenses incurred by him in respect of the possession or for the preservation of the goods pledged.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Case Law Related to Section 173 of Contract Act 1872 :

Central Bank Of India vs Siriguppa Sugars & Chemicals Ltd. on 7 August, 2007

Bank Of Bihar vs State Of Bihar & Ors on 1 April, 1971

Standard Chartered Bank And Anr.vs Custodian And Anothe Etc on 18 April, 2000

Hiten P. Dalal vs Stardard Chartered Bank And on 18 April, 2000

O. Konavalov vs Commander, Coast Guard Region & on 23 March, 2006

T.N.Generation & Distbn. Corpn vs Ppn Power Gen.Co.Pvt.Ltd on 4 April, 2014

T.N.Generation & Distbn. Corpn vs Ppn Power Gen.Co.Pvt.Ltd on 4 April, 1947

Lallan Prasad vs Rahmat Ali & Anr on 13 December, 1966

State Of West Bengal vs Sailendra Nath Sen on 24 April, 1993

State Of West Bengal vs Sailendra Nath Sen on 22 April, 1993

भारतीय संविदा अधिनियम, 1872 की धारा 173 का विवरण :  -  पणयमदार का प्रतिधारण का अधिकार -- पणयमदार गिरवी माल का प्रतिधारण न केवल ऋण के संदाय के लिए या वचन के पालन के लिए कर सकेगा वरन् ऋण के ब्याज और गिरवी माल के कब्जे के बारे में या परीक्षण के लिए अपने द्वारा उपगत सारे आवश्यक व्ययों के लिए भी कर सकेगा।

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