Section 141 Indian Evidence Act 1872

Section 141 Indian Evidence Act 1872 in Hindi and English 

Section 141 Evidence Act 1872 :Leading questions -- Any question suggesting the answer which the person putting it wishes or expects to receive is called a leading question.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Case Law Related to Section 141 Indian Evidence Act 1872:

Somasundaram @ Somu vs The State Rep. By The Deputy  on 3 June, 2020

Bishna @ Bhiswadeb Mahato & Ors vs State Of West Bengal on 28 October, 2005

Dharnidhar vs State Of U.P. & Ors on 8 July, 2010

Gaudiya Mission vs Shobha Bose & Anr on 15 January, 2008

Masalti vs State Of U. P on 4 May, 1964

Masalti vs State Of U.P. on 4 May, 1964

Mahendran vs The State Of Tamil Nadu on 21 February, 2019

Varkey Joseph vs State Of Kerala, Represented on 27 April, 1993

Jagdish Prasad Patel(D) Thr. Lrs. vs Shivnath on 9 April, 2019

भारतीय साक्ष्य अधिनियम, 1872 की धारा 141 का विवरण :  -  सूचक प्रश्न -- कोई प्रश्न, जो उस उत्तर को सुझाता है जिसे पूछने वाला व्यक्ति पाना चाहता है या पाने की आशा करता है, सूचक प्रश्न कहा जाता है।

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