Section 14 Contract Act 1872


Section 14 Contract Act 1872 in Hindi and English 

Section 14 Contract Act 1872 : “Free consent' defined-- Consent is said to be free when it is not caused by

(1) coercion, as defined in section 15, or

(2) undue influence, as defined in section 16, or

(3) fraud, as defined in section 17, or

(4) misrepresentation, as defined in section 18, or

(5) mistake, subject to the provisions of sections 20, 21 and 22.

Consent is said to be so caused when it would not have been given but for the existence of such coercion, undue influence, fraud, misrepresentation or mistake.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Case Law Related to Section 14 of Contract Act 1872 :

Jatinder Nath vs M/S Chopra Land Developers Pvt. on 2 March, 2007

Lalit Kumar Jain vs Union Of India on 21 May, 2021

Man Roland Druckimachinen Ag vs Multicolour Offset Ltd. & Anr on 19 April, 2004

R.Jankiammal vs S.K.Kumaraswamy (D) Thr.Lrs. on 30 June, 2021

Sri Tarsem Singh vs Sri Sukhminder Singh on 2 February, 1998

State Of Karnataka And Ors vs M/S Sri Chamundeswari Sugar Ltd on 8 April, 2008

Enercon (India) Ltd And Ors vs Enercon Gmbh And Anr on 14 February, 2014

Enercon (India) Ltd And Ors vs Enercon Gmbh And Anr on 14 February, 1947

Avitel Post Studioz Limited And vs Hsbc Pi Holding (Mauritius) on 19 August, 2020

Central National Bank Ltd vs United Industrial Bank Ltd on 26 November, 1953

भारतीय संविदा अधिनियम, 1872 की धारा 14 का विवरण :  -  “स्वतंत्र सम्मति' की परिभाषा -- सम्मति स्वतन्त्र तब कही जाती है, जब कि वह --

(1) न तो धारा 15 में यथापरिभाषित प्रपीड़न द्वारा कारित हो;

(2) न धारा 16 में यथापरिभाषित असम्यक् असर द्वारा कारित हो;

(3) न धारा 17 में यथापरिभाषित कपट द्वारा कारित हो;

(4) न धारा 18 में यथापरिभाषित दुर्व्यपदेशन द्वारा कारित हो;

(5) न भूल द्वारा कारित हो, किन्तु यह बात धाराओं 20, 21 और 22 के उपबन्धों के अध्यधीन है।

सम्मति ऐसे कारित तब कही जाती है जबकि वह ऐसा प्रपीड़न, असम्यक् असर, कपट, दुर्व्यपदेशन या भूल न होती तो न दी जाती।

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