Section 135 Indian Evidence Act 1872

 Section 135 Indian Evidence Act 1872 in Hindi and English 

Section 135 Evidence Act 1872 :Order of production and examination of witnesses -- The order in which witnesses are produced and examined shall be regulated by the law and practice for the time being relating to civil and criminal procedure respectively, and, in the absence of any such law, by the discretion of the Court.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Case Law Related to Section 135 Indian Evidence Act 1872:

K.I. Pavunny vs Assistant Collector (Head  on 3 February, 1997

Itc Bhadrachalam Paperborads & vs Mandal Revenue Officer, on 9 September, 1996

Bhanabhai Khalpabhai vs Collector Of Customs on 8 March, 1994

Percy Rustam Basta vs State Of Maharashtra on 16 March, 1971

Romesh Chandra Mehta vs State Of West Bengal on 18 October, 1968

Mohanlal Shamji Soni vs Union Of India And Another on 22 February, 1991

Shah Gumman Mal vs The State Of Andhra Pradesh on 6 February, 1980

Sevantilal Karsondas Modi vs State Of Maharashtra & Another on 30 January, 197

Mohan Lal Shamlal Soni vs Union Of India And Another on 22 February, 1991

Illias vs Collector Of Customs, Madras on 31 October, 1968

भारतीय साक्ष्य अधिनियम, 1872 की धारा 135 का विवरण :  -  साक्षियों के पेशकरण और उनकी परीक्षा का क्रम -- साक्षियों के पेशकरण और उनकी परीक्षा का क्रम क्रमशः सिविल और दण्ड प्रक्रिया से तत्समय संबंधित विधि और पद्धति द्वारा, तथा ऐसी किसी विधि के अभाव में न्यायालय के विवेक द्वारा, विनियमित होगा।

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