Section 13 Contract Act 1872


Section 13 Contract Act 1872 in Hindi and English 

Section 13 Contract Act 1872 :"Consent' defined - Two or more persons are said to consent when they agree upon the same thing in the same sense.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Case Law Related to Section 13 of Contract Act 1872 :

Waman Shriniwas Kini vs Ratilal Bhagwandas & Co on 16 February, 1959

Central National Bank Ltd vs United Industrial Bank Ltd on 26 November, 1953

Hiralal Moolchand Doshi vs Barot Raman Lal Ranchhoddas on 18 February, 1993

Commissioner Of Sales Tax, U.P vs Auriaya Chamber Of Commerce, on 10 April, 1986

Sri Tarsem Singh vs Sri Sukhminder Singh on 2 February, 1998

Vishnu Agencies (Pvt.) Ltd. Etc vs Commercial Tax Officer & Ors. Etc on 16 December, 1977

Tulsi Co-Operative Housing vs State Of Andhra Pradesh & Ors on 14 September, 1999

Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd vs Saw Pipes Ltd on 17 April, 2003

Nutan Kumar And Ors vs Iind Additional District Judge & on 27 September, 2002

State Of Karnataka And Ors vs M/S Sri Chamundeswari Sugar Ltd on 8 April, 2008

भारतीय संविदा अधिनियम, 1872 की धारा 13 का विवरण :  -  “सम्मति की परिभाषा''-- दो या अधिक व्यक्ति सम्मत हुए तब कहे जाते हैं, जब कि वे किसी एक बात पर एक ही भाव में सहमत होते हैं।

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