Union of India vs Kali Dass Batish

Union of India vs Kalidas Batish - Important Supreme Court Case:

On 5th January, 2006, a Three Judges Bench in Union of India and Others vs Kali Dass Batish and Another (Civil Appeals No.6663 of 2004 with Civil Appeal Nos. 7575-76 of 2004) while considering the scope of judicial review in appointment/non-appointment of a member of the Central Administrative Tribunal made in consultation with the Chief Justice of India, held that “the consultation with the Chief Justice of India is neither a routine matter nor an idle formality. It was held that “If Parliament has reposed faith in the Chief Justice of India as the paterfamilias of the judicial hierarchy in this country, it is not open for anyone to contend that the Chief Justice of India might have given his concurrence without application of mind or without calling for the necessary inputs.”


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