Section 5 Registration of Foreigners Act, 1939

 Section 5 Registration of Foreigners Act, 1939: 

Penalties.—Any person who contravenes, or attempts to contravene or fails to comply with, any provision of any rule made under this Act shall be punished, if a foreigner, with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees or with both, or if not a foreigner, with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section 5 The Registration of Foreigners Act, 1939:  

Sonam Tshering vs State Of Sikkim on 6 October, 1978

Manish Lodha vs State on 5 January, 2021

Ms. Olga Timoshik vs State Of Punjab on 27 January, 2012

Nikhil Mathur vs State on 18 March, 2021

Vijukumar vs State Of Kerala on 23 July, 2009

To download this dhara / Section of  Registration of Foreigners Act, 1939 in pdf format use chrome web browser and use keys [Ctrl + P] and save as pdf.


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