Section 42 Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974


Section 42 Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974: 

Penalty for certain acts.—

(1) Whoever—

(a) destroys, pulls down, removes, injures or defaces any pillar, post or stake fixed in the ground or any notice or other matter put up, inscribed or placed, by or under the authority of the Board, or

(b) obstructs any person acting under the orders or directions of the Board from exercising his powers and performing his functions under this Act, or

(c) damages any works or property belonging to the Board, or

(d) fails to furnish to any officer or other employee of the Board any information required by him for the purpose of this Act, or

(e) fails to intimate the occurrence of any accident or other unforeseen act or event under section 31 to the Board and other authorities or agencies as required by that section, or

(f) in giving any information which he is required to give under this Act, knowingly or wilfully makes a statement which is false in any material particular, or

(g) for the purpose of obtaining any consent under section 25 or section 26, knowingly or wilfully makes a statement which is false in any material particular, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months or with fine which may extend to 1[ten thousand rupees] or with both.

(2) Where for the grant of a consent in pursuance of the provisions of section 25 or section 26 the use of meter or gauge or other measure or monitoring device is required and such device is used for the purposes of those provisions, any person who knowingly or wilfully alters or interferes with that device so as to prevent it from monitoring or measuring correctly shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months or with fine which may extend to 1[ten thousand rupees] or with both.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section 42 Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974:  

Rajasthan State Board For  vs Sharif Dyeing Works And Anr. on 26 March, 1998

M/S Bharat Sugar Mills Ltd. & Anr vs State Of Bihar & Anr on 25 March, 2010

M/S Bharat Sugar Mills Ltd. Thru  vs State Of Bihar & Anr on 25 March, 2010

Dr. Z. Kotasek And Anr. vs State Of Bihar And Anr. on 4 May, 1983

M/S Kishan Chand Chaina Ram vs Delhi Pollution Control  on 1 November, 2013

To download this dhara / Section of  Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 in pdf format use chrome web browser and use keys [Ctrl + P] and save as pdf.


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