Section 162 Railways Act, 1989


Section 162 Railways Act, 1989: 

Entering carriage or other place reserved for females.—If a male person knowing or having reason to believe that a carriage, compartment, berth or seat in a train or room or other place is reserved by a railway administration for the exclusive use of females, without lawful excuse,—

(a) enters such carriage, compartment, room or other place, or having entered such carriage, compartment, room or place, remains therein; or

(b) occupies any such berth or seat having been required by any railway servant to vacate it, he shall, in addition to being liable to forfeiture of his pass or ticket, be punishable with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees and may also be removed by any railway servant.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section 162 Railways Act, 1989:  

The Code Of Criminal Procedure,1889

Smt. Mamata Soni & 3 Ors. vs Union Of India Thru G.M. New Delhi on 8 August, 2019

Rajesh Anil vs State Of Kerala on 17 July, 2008

Rabindra Kumar Himanshu vs The State Of Bihar on 13 May, 2016

Santosh Bhikaji Kekan vs The State Of Maharashtra on 19 November, 2019

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