Section 156 Railways Act, 1989

 Section 156 Railways Act, 1989: 

Travelling on roof, step or engine of a train.—If any passenger or any other person, after being warned by a railway servant to desist, persists in travelling on the roof, step or footboard of any carriage or on an engine, or in any other part of a train not intended for the use of passengers, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months, or with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees, or with both and may be removed from the railway by any railway servant.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section 156 Railways Act, 1989:  

Bijay Kumar Chowdhary vs The State Of West Bengal on 24 June, 2009

Raj Pal Goel And Anr. vs Union Of India on 15 January, 2014

Union Of India (Uoi), South vs Kurukundu Balakrishnaiah And  on 8 December, 2003

Vijaya vs State Of Karnataka By on 15 June, 2021

Vijay Shankar Sharma vs The Union Of India on 23 August, 2010

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