New York Times vs United States - Landmark Case 1971

 New York Times vs United States - Landmark Case 1971 -

This case is about freedom of press in United States of America. While America was engaged in Vietnam war, one person got the classified documents related to United States Policy for Vietnam War. These documents were scheduled to be published in New York Times. US Govt got the interim restraint order in relation to publication of these classified documents which were known as "Pentagon Papers". Main question involved in this case was whether press can be restrained to publish the material which is detrimental to national security?

This case was heard by US Supreme Court along with Washington Post vs United States. In the leading case of New York Times Company was the first party while United States was the second party. This case was argued in Supreme Court on 26th June 1971 while just after four days judgment was delivered i.e. on 30th June 1971. Case citation of New York Times vs United States landmark case is 403 U.S. 713.

1st Amendment of United States Constitution have express provision in relation to freedom of press. As in this case censorship was sought to be imposed on publication of Pentagon Paper's which were with New York Times Company. As Pentagon Papers were about History of United States Policy in Vietnam War so Nixon government wanted censorship on these papers citing National Security issue. 

Supreme Court heard the case New York Times Company vs United States and delivered its verdict on 30th June 1971 allowing New York Times to publish the Pentagon Papers. US Supreme Court held that the government did not overcome the "heavy presumption against" prior restraint of the press in this case. Court decided 6 as to 3 in this case. This is considered as historic and landmark case in the field of press freedom.


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