Malik Mazhar Sultan vs UP Public Service Commission - Supreme Court Case 2006

Supreme Court Important Case Judgment - Malik Mazhar Sultan vs UP Public Service Commission

 On 3rd April, 2006, a two Judges Bench in Malik Mazhar Sultan & Anr. vs U.P. Public Service Commission & Ors. [Civil Appeal No.1867 of 2006] stressed on the necessity of evolving “a mechanism to speedily determine and fill vacancies of Judges at all levels.” Accordingly the Bench directed all the State Governments, Union Territories and/or High Courts to provide for a time schedule “so that every year vacancies that may occur are timely filled.”

“Non-filling of vacancies for long not only results in the avoidable litigation but also results in creeping of frustration in the candidates. Further, non-filling of vacancies for long time deprives the people of the services of the Judicial Officers. This is one of the reasons of huge pendency of cases in the Courts”, said the Bench.

Landmark Cases of India


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