Jagmodhan Mehatabsing Gujaral vs State of Maharashtra
Jagmodhan Mehatabsing Gujaral & Others vs State of Maharashtra - Supreme Court Case Summary of Leading Case -
On 2nd November, 2006, a two Judges Bench in Jagmodhan Mehatabsing Gujaral & Others vs State of Maharashtra [Criminal Appeal No.1113 of 2006] observed that “large scale theft of electricity is a very alarming problem faced by all the State Electricity Boards in our country, which is causing loss to the State revenue running in hundreds of crores every year.”
Consequently it held that, “after proper adjudication of the cases of all those who are found to be guilty of the offence of committing theft of electricity, apart from the sentence of conviction, the Court should invariably impose heavy fine making theft of electricity a wholly non-profitable venture.”
“The most effective step to curb this tendency perhaps could be to discontinue supply of electricity to those consumers temporarily or permanently who have been caught abstracting electricity in a clandestine manner on more than one occasion. The legislature may consider incorporating this suggestion as a form of punishment by amending Section 39 of the Indian Electricity Act of 1910”, the Bench said.
Landmark Cases of India / सुप्रीम कोर्ट के ऐतिहासिक फैसले
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