Central Government of India vs Krishnaji Parvetesh Kulkarni

 Central Government of India vs Krishnaji Parvetesh Kulkarni - Supreme Court Important Judgments 2006

On 5th April, 2006, a two Judges Bench in Central Government of India & Ors vs Krishnaji Parvetesh Kulkarni [Civil Appeal No.4819 of 2000] held that an Indira Vikas Patra (IVP) “is akin to an ordinary currency note. It bears no name of the holder. Just as a lost currency note cannot be replaced, similarly the question of replacing a lost IVP does not arise”. The Bench said that Rule 7(2) of the Indira Vikas Patra Rules, 1986 (framed under the Government Saving Certificates Act, 1959) made it clear that “a certificate lost, stolen, mutilated, defaced or destroyed beyond recognition will not be replaced by any post office.”

Landmark Cases of India


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