Section 32 The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947


Section 32 The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947: 

Offence by companies, etc.- Where a person committing an offence under this Act is a company, or other body corporate, or an association of persons (whether incorporated or not), every director, manager, secretary, agent or other officer or person concerned with the management thereof shall, unless he proves that the offence was committed without his knowledge or consent, be deemed to be guilty of such offence.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section 32 The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947: 

Girja Shankar Kashi Ram vs The Gujarat Spinning & Weaving Co. on 30 January, 1962

Rabindra Chamria And Ors., Etc.,vs Registrar Of Companieswest on 19 November, 1991

Sarva Shramik Sangh vs M/S. Indian Smelting & Refining on 28 October, 2003

Jalan Trading Co. (Private Ltd.) vs Mill Mazdoor Union(With on 5 August, 1966

Bharat Electronics Ltd., vs Industrial Tribunal, Karnatak, on 13 May, 1990

Central Provinces Transport  vs Raghunath Gopal Patwardhan on 6 November, 1956

The Tata Iron And Steel Co. Ltd vs D. R. Singh on 19 March, 1965

Calcutta State Transport vs Md. Noor Alam on 27 April, 1973

Bharat Electronics Limited, vs Industrial Tribunal on 15 March, 1990

Hari Nandan Prasad & Anr vs Employer I/R To Mangmt.Of F.C.I. &on 17 February, 1947

औद्योगिक विवाद अधिनियम, 1947 की धारा 32 का विवरण - 

कम्पनियों आदि द्वारा अपराध-जहां कि इस अधिनियम के अधीन अपराध करने वाला व्यक्ति कम्पनी, या अन्य निगमित निकाय या व्यक्तियों का संगम हो (चाहे वह निगमित हो या न हो) वहां हर निदेशक, प्रबन्धक, सचिव, अभिकर्ता या अन्य अधिकारी या व्यक्ति, जो उसके प्रबन्ध से संपृक्त हो, जब तक कि वह यह साबित नहीं कर देता कि वह अपराध उसके ज्ञान या सम्मति के बिना किया गया था, ऐसे अपराध का दोषी समझा जाएगा ।

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