Section 28 The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947


Section 28 The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947: 

 Penalty for giving financial aid to illegal strikes and lock- outs.- Any person who knowingly expends or applies any money in direct furtherance or support of any illegal strike or lock- out shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months, or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees, or with both.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section 28 The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947: 

Hindustan Lever Ltd vs Ashok Vishnu Kate & Ors on 15 September, 1995

Sarva Shramik Sangh vs M/S. Indian Smelting & Refining on 28 October, 2003

Pfizer Ltd vs Mazdoor Congress & Ors on 16 August, 1996

S.G. Chemical And Dyes Trading vs S.G. Chemicals And Dyes Trading on 3 April, 1986

Siemens Ltd.& Anr vs Siemens Employees Union & Anr on 12 October, 2011

Management Of Northern  vs Industrial Tribunal, Rajasthan,  on 27 January, 1967

State Of Gujarat & Anr vs Gujarat Rev.Trbl. Bar Assocn & Anr on 16 October, 2012

Hari Nandan Prasad & Anr vs Employer I/R To Mangmt.Of F.C.I. &  on 17 February, 2014

Hari Nandan Prasad & Anr vs Employer I/R To Mangmt.Of F.C.I. & on 17 February, 1947

M/S. Lokmat Newspapers Pvt. Ltd vs Shankarprasad on 19 July, 1999

औद्योगिक विवाद अधिनियम, 1947 की धारा 28 का विवरण - 

अवैध हड़तालों और तालाबंदियों के लिए वित्तीय सहायता देने के लिए शास्ति-जो व्यक्ति किसी अवैध हड़ताल या तालाबन्दी को प्रत्यक्षतः अग्रसर करने में या उसके समर्थन में जानते हुए धन का व्यय या उपयोजन करेगा वह कारावास से, जिसकी अवधि छह मास तक की हो सकेगी, या जुर्माने से, जो एक हजार रुपए तक का हो सकेगा, या दोनों से, दण्डनीय होगा ।

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