Section 25L The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947


Section 25L The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947: 

Definitions.- For the purposes of this Chapter,--

(a) " industrial establishment" means--

(i) a factory as defined in clause (m) of section 2 of the Factories Act, 1948 (63 of 1948 );

(ii) a mine as defined in clause (i) of sub- section (1) of section 2 of the Mines Act, 1952 (35 of 1952 ); or

(iii) a plantation as defined in clause (f) of section 2 of the Plantations Labour Act, 1951 (69 of 1951 );(b) notwithstanding anything contained in sub- clause (ii) of clause (a) of section 2,--

(i) in relation to any company in which not less than fifty- one per cent. of the paid- up share capital is held by the Central Government, or

(ii) in relation to any corporation[ not being a corporation referred to in sub- clause (i) of clause (a) of section 2] established by or under any law made by Parliament, the Central Government shall be appropriate Government.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section 25L The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947: 

S.G. Chemical And Dyes Trading vs S.G. Chemicals And Dyes Trading on 3 April, 1986

Uttaranchal Forest Development vs Jabar Singh And Ors on 12 December, 2006

The State Of Madhya Pradesh vs Somdutt Sharma on 29 September, 2021

Rajinder Singh Chauhan & Ors vs State Of Haryana And Ors on 21 November, 2005

Lal Mohammad And Ors vs Indian Railway Construction Co.on 4 December, 1998

Lal Mohammad & Ors vs Indian Railway Construction on 11 January, 2007

M/S. Empire Industries Ltd vs State Of Maharashtra & Ors on 17 March, 2010

Seelan Raj And Ors vs Presiding Officer 1St Additional on 16 March, 2001

औद्योगिक विवाद अधिनियम, 1947 की धारा 25 ट का विवरण - 

अध्याय 5ख का लागू होना-(1) इस अध्याय के उपबन्ध ऐसे औद्योगिक स्थापन को, (जो मौसमी प्रकार का नहीं है या ऐसा स्थापन नहीं है, जिसमें काम केवल आन्तरायिक रूप से होता है) लागू होंगे जिसमें पूर्ववर्ती बारह मास में प्रति कार्य-दिवस को औसतन कम से कम 5[एक सौ] कर्मकार नियोजित थे ।

(2) यदि यह प्रश्न उठे कि कोई औद्योगिक स्थापन मौसमी प्रकार का है या नहीं अथवा उसमें काम केवल आन्तरिक रूप से होता है या नहीं तो उस पर समुचित सकार का विनिश्चय अन्तिम होगा ।

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