Section 61 CrPC

 Section 61 CrPC in Hindi and English

Section 61 of CrPC 1973 :- 61. Form of summons — Every summons issued by a Court under this Code shall be in writing, in duplicate, signed by the presiding officer of such Court or by such other officer as the High Court may, from time to time, by rule direct and shall bear the seal of the Court.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Case Law Related to Section 61 of Criminal Procedure Code 1973:

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Case Law Related to Section 1 of Criminal Procedure Code 1973:

The State Of Bihar vs Ram Naresh Pandey on 31 January, 1957

Radhey Shyam Garg vs Naresh Kumar Gupta on 5 May, 2009

The State Of Bihar vs Ram Naresh Pandey(With Connected  on 31 January, 1956

Gouri Shankar Jha vs The State Of Bihar And Ors on 20 January, 1972

Natabar Parida Bisnu Charan  vs State Of Orissa on 16 April, 1975

Sankaran Moitra vs Sadhna Das & Anr on 24 March, 2006

Ripusudan Dayal & Ors vs State Of M.P. & Ors on 25 February, 2014

Ripusudan Dayal & Ors vs State Of M.P. & Ors on 25 February, 1947

Smt. Poonam Lata vs M.L. Wadhawan & Anr on 7 August, 1987

Ram Rishi Anal vs Delhi Adminisration, Delhi And on 30 January, 1967

दंड प्रक्रिया संहिता 1973 की धारा 61 का विवरण :  -  61. समन का प्ररूप -- न्यायालय द्वारा इस संहिता के अधीन जारी किया गया प्रत्येक समन लिखित रूप में और दो प्रतियों में, उस न्यायालय के पीठासीन अधिकारी द्वारा या अन्य ऐसे अधिकारी द्वारा, उच्च न्यायालय नियम द्वारा समय-समय पर निर्दिष्ट करे, हस्ताक्षरित होगा और उस पर उस न्यायालय की मुद्रा लगी होगी।

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