Section 113 Indian Evidence Act 1872


Section 113 Indian Evidence Act 1872 in Hindi and English 

Section 113 Evidence Act 1872 :Proof of cession of territory -- A notification in the Official Gazette that any portion of British territory has before the commencement of Part III of the Government of India, Act, 1935 (26 Geo. 5, c. 2), been ceded to any Native State, Prince or Ruler, shall be conclusive proof that a valid cession of such territory took place at the date mentioned in such notification.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Case Law Related to Section 113 Indian Evidence Act 1872:

Gurjit Singh vs The State Of Punjab on 26 November, 2019

Satbir Singh vs The State Of Haryana on 28 May, 2021

Pawan Kumar vs State Of Haryana on 13 March, 2001

K. Prema S. Rao And Anr vs Yadla Srinivasa Rao And Ors on 25 October, 2002

Rajendran And Anr vs State Asstt.Commnr.Of Police Law  on 2 December, 2008

Maganbhai Ishwarbhai Patel vs Union Of India And Anr on 9 January, 1969

Gopal vs State Of Rajasthan on 13 February, 2009

Rajendran And Anr vs State Asstt.Commnr.Of Police Law  on 2 December, 2008

Izhar Ahmad Khan vs Union Of India on 16 February, 1962

S.Govindaraju vs State Of Karnataka on 19 August, 2013

भारतीय साक्ष्य अधिनियम, 1872 की धारा 113 का विवरण :  -   राज्यक्षेत्र के अध्यर्पण का सबूत -- शासकीय राजपत्र में यह अधिसूचना कि ब्रिटिश राज्यक्षेत्र का कोई भाग किसी भारतीय राज्य, राजा या शासक को गवर्नमेन्ट ऑफ इंडिया एक्ट, 1935 (26 ज. 5, अ. 2) के भाग 3 के प्रारंभ से पूर्व अभ्यर्पित किया गया है, इस बात का निश्चायक सबूत होगा कि ऐसे राज्यक्षेत्र का ऐसी अधिसूचना में वर्णित तारीख को विधिमान्य अध्यर्पण हआ।

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