Section 57 Motor Vehicles Act,1988


Section 57 Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 in Hindi and English

Section 57 of MV Act 1988 :-  Appeals -- (1) Any person aggrieved by an order of the registering authority under section 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55 or 56 may, within thirty days of the date on which he has received notice of such order, appeal against the order to the prescribed authority.

(2) The appellate authority shall give notice of the appeal to the original authority and after giving an opportunity to the original authority and the appellant to be heard in the appeal pass such orders as it thinks fit.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Case Law Related to Section 57 of Motor Vehicles Act, 1988:

Karnataka State Road Transport  vs B. A. Jayaram And Others on 31 January, 1984

Mohd. Ibrahim Etc vs State Transport Appellate  on 30 April, 1970

M. Duraiswamy vs Murugan Bus Service & Ors on 2 April, 1986

Shiv Chand Amolak Chand vs Regional Transport Authority & on 7 October, 1983

B.Prabhakara Rao vs Desari Panakalala Rao & Ors &  on 5 April, 1976

R. Obliswami Naidu vs Addl. State Transport Appellate on 17 February, 1969

Abdui, Gafoor vs State Of Mysore on 12 April, 1961

R. Srihari Naidu vs Govt. Of Andhra Pradesh & Ors on 6 February, 1985

Maharashtra State Road Transport vs Mangrulpir J T. Motor Service (P) on 29 April, 1971

V.C. K. Bus Service Ltd vs The Regional Transport on 19 February, 1957

मोटर यान अधिनियम, 1988 की धारा 57 का विवरण :  -   अपील -- (1) धारा 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55 या 56 के अधीन रजिस्ट्रीकर्ता प्राधिकारी के किसी आदेश से व्यथित कोई व्यक्ति, उस तारीख से तीस दिन के भीतर, जिसको उसे ऐसे आदेश की सूचना प्राप्त हुई है, विहित प्राधिकारी को उस आदेश के विरुद्ध अपील कर सकेगा ।

(2) अपील प्राधिकारी अपील की सूचना मूल प्राधिकारी को देगा और अपील में मूल प्राधिकारी तथा अपीलार्थी को सुने जाने का अवसर देने के पश्चात् ऐसे आदेश देगा जो वह ठीक समझता है ।

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