Section 472 CrPC


Section 472 CrPC in Hindi and English

Section 472 of CrPC 1973 :- 472. Continuing offence -

In the case of a continuing offence, a fresh period of limitation shall begin to run at every moment of the time during which the offence continues.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Case Law Related to Section 472 of Criminal Procedure Code 1973:

Vikas Chaudhary vs State Of Nct Of Delhi & Anr on 11 August, 2010

Vimal Chadha vs Vikas Choudhary And Another on 27 May, 2008

Bhagirath Kanoria & Ors. Etc vs State Of M.P. & Ors. Etc on 24 August, 1984

Registrar Of Companies vs Rajshree Sugar & Chemicals Ltd. & on 11 May, 2000

Ram Suresh Singh vs Prabhat Singh @ Chhotu Singh & Anr on 5 May, 2009

Ranjit Singh vs Union Territory Of Chandigarh & on 23 August, 1991

Gokak Patel Volkart Ltd vs Dundayya Gurushiddaiah Hiremath on 14 February, 1991

Udai Shankar Awasthi vs State Of U.P.& Anr on 9 January, 2013

Registrar Of Companies vs Rajshree Sugar & Chemicals Ltd. & on 11 May, 2000

Mohan Lal vs State Of Rajasthan on 17 April, 2015

दंड प्रक्रिया संहिता 1973 की धारा 472 का विवरण :  -  472. चालू रहने वाला अपराध --

किसी चालू रहने वाले अपराध की दशा में नया परिसीमा-काल उस समय के प्रत्येक क्षण से प्रारंभ होगा जिसके दौरान अपराध चालू रहता है।

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