Section 31 Indian Evidence Act 1872


Section 31 Indian Evidence Act 1872 in Hindi and English 

Section 31 Evidence Act 1872 :Admissions not conclusive proof, but may estop -- Admissions are not conclusive proof of the matters admitted but they may operate as estoppels under the provisions hereinafter contained.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Case Law Related to Section 31 Indian Evidence Act 1872:

Arjun Panditrao Khotkar vs Kailash Kushanrao Gorantyal on 14 July, 2020

State Of Maharashtra vs Kamal Ahmed Mohd. Vakil Ansari & on 14 March, 2013

Radhy Shyam(D)Thr. Lrs & Ors vs State Of U.P.& Ors on 15 April, 2011

Excise Commissioner. U.P., vs Ram Kumar on 5 May, 1976

Ram Chander vs State Of Haryana on 25 February, 1981

R.K. Jain vs Union Of India And Ors on 14 May, 1993

Sahib Singh vs State Of Haryana on 28 July, 1997

Dr. Karan Singh vs State Of Jammu & Kashmir & Anr on 13 April, 2004

Divisional Manager, United India vs Samir Chandra Chaudhary on 14 July, 2005

Ranjitsing Brahmajeetsing  vs State Of Maharashtra & Anr on 7 April, 2005

भारतीय साक्ष्य अधिनियम, 1872 की धारा 31 का विवरण :  -  स्वीकृतियाँ निश्चायक सबूत नहीं हैं, किन्तु विबंध कर सकती हैं -- स्वीकृतियाँ, स्वीकृत विषयों का निश्चायक सबूत नहीं हैं, किन्तु एतस्मिन् पश्चात् अंतर्विष्ट उपबंधों के अधीन विबंध के रूप में प्रवर्तित हो सकेंगे।

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