Section 171 Motor Vehicles Act, 1988


Section 171 Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 in Hindi and English

Section 171 of MV Act 1988 :- Award of interest where any claim is allowed -- Where any Claims Tribunal allows a claim for compensation made under this Act, such Tribunal may direct that in addition to the amount of compensation simple interest shall also be paid at such rate and from such date not earlier than the date of making the claim as it may specify in this behalf.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Case Law Related to Section 171 of Motor Vehicles Act, 1988:

Dharampal & Ors vs U.P.State Road Transport Corp on 12 May, 2008

National Insurance Co. Ltd vs Keshav Bahadur And Ors on 20 January, 2004

United India Insurance Co. Ltd. vs Patrica Jean Mahajan And Ors. Etc. on 8 July, 2002

Smt. Kaushnuma Begum And Ors vs The New India Assurance Co. Ltd. on 3 January, 2001

Subulaxmi vs M.D. T.Nadu State Transp.Corp.& . on 1 November, 2012

Jitendra Khimshankar Trivedi & vs Kasam Daud Kumbhar & Ors on 3 February, 2015

Kajal vs Jagdish Chand on 5 February, 2020

मोटर यान अधिनियम, 1988 की धारा 171 का विवरण :  -  जहां दावा मंजूर किया गया है वहां ब्याज दिलाना -- जहां कोई दावा अधिकरण इस अधिनियम के अधीन किए गए प्रतिकर के दावे को मंजूर करता है वहां ऐसा अधिकरण यह निदेश दे सकेगा कि प्रतिकर की रकम के अतिरिक्त उतनी दर से तथा उस तारीख से जो दावा करने की तारीख से पहले की न होगी, जिसे वह इस निमित्त विनिर्दिष्ट करे, साधारण ब्याज भी दिया जाए ।

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