Section 17 Indian Evidence Act 1872


Section 17 Indian Evidence Act 1872 in Hindi and English 

Section 17 Evidence Act 1872 :Admission defined -- An admission is a statement, [oral or documentary or contained in electronic form], which suggests any inference as to any fact in issue or relevant fact, and which is made by any of the persons, and under the circumstances, hereinafter mentioned.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Case Law Related to Section 17 Indian Evidence Act 1872:

Radhy Shyam(D)Thr. Lrs & Ors vs State Of U.P.& Ors on 15 April, 2011

Anand Singh & Anr vs State Of U.P. & Ors on 28 July, 2010

Narayan Govind Gavate Etc vs State Of Maharashtra on 11 October, 1976

Om Prakash & Anr vs State Of U.P. & Ors on 15 July, 1998

State Of West Bengal & Ors vs Prafulla Churan Law & Ors on 4 February, 2011

Federation Of Obstetrics And vs Union Of India on 3 May, 2019

Vathsalsamanickavasagam & Ors vs N. Ganesan & Anr on 2 July, 2013

Sita Ram Bhau Patil vs Ramchandra Nago Patil (Dead) By L. on 20 January, 1977

Central Bureau Of Investigation vs V.C. Shukla & Ors on 2 March, 1998

State Of Maharashtra vs Kamal Ahmed Mohd. Vakil Ansari & on 14 March, 2013

भारतीय साक्ष्य अधिनियम, 1872 की धारा 17 का विवरण :  -  स्वीकृति की परिभाषा -- स्वीकृति वह मौखिक या दस्तावेजी अथवा इलेक्ट्रानिक रूप में अन्तर्विष्ट कथन है, जो किसी विवाद्यक तथ्य या सुसंगत तथ्य के बारे में कोई अनुमान इंगित करता है और जो ऐसे व्यक्तियों में से किसी के द्वारा ऐसी परिस्थितियों में किया गया है जो एतस्मिन् पश्चात् वर्णित हैं।

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