Section 82 The Trade Marks Act, 1999


Section 82 The Trade Marks Act, 1999: 

Determination of character of textile goods by sampling.—

(1) For the purposes of this Act, the Central Government may make rules—

(a) to provide, with respect to any goods which purport or are alleged to be of uniform number, quantity, measure, gauge or weight, for the number of samples to be selected and tested and for the selection of the samples;

(b) to provide, for the manner in which for the purposes of section 81 cotton yarn and cotton thread shall be marked with the particulars required by that section, and for the exemption of certain premises used for the manufacture, bleaching, dying or finishing of cotton yarn or cotton thread from the provisions of that section; and

(c) declaring what classes of goods are included in the expression “piece goods such as are ordinarily sold by length or by the piece” for the purpose of section 81, of this Act or clause (n) of sub-section (2) of section 11 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962).

(2) With respect to any goods for the selection and testing of samples of which provision is not made in any rules for the time being in force under sub-section (1), the court or officer of customs, as the case may be, having occasion to ascertain the number, quantity, measure, gauge or weight of the goods, shall by order in writing, determine the number of samples to be selected and tested and the manner in which the samples are to be selected.

(3) The average of the results of the testing in pursuance of rules under sub- section (1) or of an order under sub-section (2) shall be prima facie evidence of the number, quantity, measure, gauge or weight, as the case may be, of the goods.

(4) If a person having any claim to, or in relation to, any goods of which samples have been selected and tested in pursuance of rules under sub-section (1), or of an order under sub-section (2), desires that any further samples of the goods be selected and tested, such further samples shall, on his written application and on the payment in advance by him to the court or officer of customs, as the case may be, of such sums for defraying the cost of the further selection and testing as the court or officer may from time to time require, be selected and tested to such extent as may be permitted by rules made by the Central Government in this behalf or as, in the case of goods with respect to which provision is not made in such rules, the court or officer of customs may determine in the circumstances to be reasonable, the samples being selected in the manner prescribed under sub-section (1), or in sub-section (2), as the case may be.

(5) The average of the results of the testing referred to in sub-section (3) and of the further testing under sub-section (4) shall be conclusive proof of the number, quantity, measure, gauge or weight, as the case may be, of the goods.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section 82 The Trade Marks Act, 1999: 

Vishwa Mitter vs O. P. Poddar And Others on 30 September, 1983

Vishwa Mitter Of Vijay Bharat vs O.P. Poddar And Ors. on 30 September, 1983

व्यापार चिह्न अधिनियम, 1999 की धारा 82 का विवरण : 

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