1. The petitioners have been duly elected as members of the
current Maharashtra Legislative Assembly (20192024). They
got elected from different constituencies in the State of
Maharashtra. They belong to the Bharatiya Janata Party1
the principal Opposition Party in the Maharashtra Legislative
1 for short, “BJP”
Assembly. The Ruling Party is a coalition between the Shiv
Sena, the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) and the Indian
National Congress (INC) christened as “Maha Vikas Aghadi”.
2. This lis emanates from the events as unfolded during the
Monsoon Session of the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly on
5.7.2021. The proceedings of the House witnessed heated
exchanges between the members of the Opposition Party and
the Ruling Party due to an impression formed by the former
that the business of the House was being conducted in
unilateral manner, with conscious and engineered effort to
suppress voice of the Opposition Party. In that, even the
Leader of Opposition was denied an opportunity to speak on a
crucial motion under consideration. At the relevant time, the
House was presided over by the Chairman nominated under
Rule 8 of the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly Rules2
, who
according to the petitioners, denied opportunity to the
Opposition Party to speak including to the Leader of
2 for short, “Rules”
3. It is alleged that in the meeting of the Business Advisory
Committee, which preceded the actual Assembly Session,
there was a concerted effort on behalf of the members of the
Ruling Party to cut short the Assembly Session for a period of
two days especially when the State was facing unprecedented
situation owing to pandemic, which needed elaborate
deliberation in the House. The concerted effort was to strip of
all legislative tools available to the Opposition Party so as to
make sure that voice of opposition is muffled and suppressed.
4. The Chair of the Speaker of the House was vacant at the
relevant time due to stepping down by the incumbent. The
election for appointing a new Speaker of the Assembly was yet
to be conducted. As per Rule 8 of the Rules, in such a
situation other nominated member of the House had to
preside on 5.7.2021. As aforesaid, a general feeling had
developed amongst the members of the Opposition Party that
the business of the House was not being transacted in
congenial manner and they were prevented from raising
important questions and express their views on matters of
public importance. To wit, when the Minister was moving a
resolution in relation to the empirical data pertaining to OBC,
the Leader of Opposition wanted to object to the same.
However, he was denied that opportunity. That eventually led
to heated exchanges between the members of both sides and
consequently, the House was adjourned.
5. Thereafter, some of the members of the Opposition went to
meet the Deputy Speaker in his chamber to vent out their
grievance regarding the unfair manner of conducting
proceedings by the nominated Chairman. At that time, some
members of the Ruling Party (Shiv Sena) arrived and engaged
in heated exchanges. When the House resumed, the
nominated Chairman referred to the fact that some members
of the Shiv Sena were present in the chamber and involved in
heated exchanges, but no action was being taken against
them as both the sections had apologised to each other.
According to the petitioners, when the House resumed, by
way of courtesy a sincere apology was graciously tendered by
the Leader of Opposition to the Chairman for the earlier
incident while adverting to the fact that none of the MLAs
belonging to the Opposition Party (BJP) including the
petitioners herein had abused the Chairman. Soon
thereafter, to the utter surprise of the petitioners (and other
members of the Opposition Parties), the Minister for
Parliamentary Affairs moved a resolution for initiating action
against 12 MLAs of the BJP for having committed contempt of
the House. That motion was tabled in the House and the
Chairman was called upon to do the needful. The Chairman
then called upon the House to pass the said resolution. The
House in turn passed that resolution by majority votes after it
was put to vote at 14:40 hours on 5.7.2021. The same reads
“P.H.: Contempt of the House by objectionable behavior
M.H.: Resolution of Minister for Parliamentary Affairs
regarding suspension of M.L.A.s for Contempt of
the House due to objectionable behavior.
1) Dr. Sanjay Kute,
2) Adv. Ashish Shelar,
3) Shri Abhimanyu Pawar
4) Shri Girish Mahajan
5) Shri Atul Bhatkhalkar
6) Adv. Parag Alavani,
7) Shri Harish Pimple
8) Shri Ram Satpute,
9) Shri Jaikumar Rawal,
10) Shri Yogesh Sagar,
11) Shri Narayan Kuche,
12) Shri Kritikumar @ Bunty Bhangdiya, M.L.A.
Adv. Anil Parab (Minister for Parliamentary Affairs):
Hon’ble Speaker, I wish to move the following
resolution with your kind permission.
“On 5th July 2021 when the business of the House was
being conducted, Hon’ble M.L.As Dr. Sanjay Kute, Adv.
Ashish Shelar, Sarvashree Abhimanyu Pawar, Girish
Mahajan, Atul Bhatkhalkar, Adv. Parag Alvani,
Sarvashree Harish Pimple, Ram Satpute, Jaikumar
Rawal, Yogesh Sagar, Narayan Kuche, Kirtikumar @
Bunty Bhangdia misbehaved in the House, addressed
the Chairman in the Speaker’s Chair unparliamentary
language, tried to take the mike and Rajdand, despite
repeated warnings, all these members misbehaved in
the chamber of the Hon’ble Speaker even after the
House was adjourned and abused and manhandled the
Chairman in the Speaker’s Chair. Due to the
indisciplined and unbecoming behavior resulting in
maligning the dignity of the House, this House resolves
to suspend the membership of Sarvashree Dr. Sanjay
Kute, Adv. Ashish Shelar, Sarvashree Abhimanyu
Pawar, Girish Mahajan, Atul Bhatkhalkar, Adv. Parag
Alvani, Sarvashree Harish Pimple, Ram Satpute,
Jaikumar Rawal, Yogesh Sagar, Narayan Kuche,
Kirtikumar @ Bunty Bhangdia for a period of one year.
Similarly, during the period of suspension they may be
restrained from entering into the premises of Vidhan
Bhawan at Mumbai and Nagpur.”
Hon’ble Speaker, I request the House to pass this
Resolution has been tabled.
Chairman in the Speaker’s Chair: Now I put this
resolution to vote.
Resolution has been passed after putting it to vote.”
6. According to the petitioners, the Leader of Opposition
thereafter wrote four letters to the Deputy Speaker on
7.7.2021 for furnishing relevant information including CCTV
footage, video recording of the entire proceedings and a copy
of the verbatim proceedings of the record of the Legislative
Assembly dated 5.7.2021 and 6.7.2021. Thereafter, the
petitioners also sent letters to the Deputy Speaker requesting
him to furnish relevant material of the proceedings including
recording of the proceedings in the House dated 5.7.2021 and
7. Eventually, on 22.7.2021, the petitioners approached this
Court by way of these writ petitions under Article 32 of the
Constitution of India, for issuing appropriate writ, order or
direction so as to quash and set aside the impugned
resolution dated 5.7.2021 passed by the Maharashtra
Legislative Assembly being unconstitutional and grossly illegal
and for enforcement of their fundamental rights as
guaranteed under Articles 14 and 21 of the Constitution.
8. It is urged that the impugned resolution dated 5.7.2021 has
been passed in undue haste and is politically motivated. It is
primarily intended to adversely impact the numbers of the
Opposition Party in the House. It has been passed without
giving an opportunity of hearing to the petitioners much less
calling upon them to offer written explanation. To buttress
this ground, reliance has been placed on a decision of twoJudge Bench of this Court in Alagaapuram R. Mohanraj &
Ors. vs. Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly & Anr.3
9. It is urged that the events, as unfolded, on the face of it,
would indicate the undue haste in which the impugned
resolution came to be passed within a matter of hours, that
too, without granting opportunity to the petitioners to meet
the case against them. This was grossly and patently violative
of Article 14 of the Constitution. For, there was absolutely no
material before the Chairman or the Minister to substantiate
the need for suspending the petitioners, that too for such a
long period.
10. Further, even the impugned resolution dated 5.7.2021
does not refer to any material on the basis of which such
extreme step of suspension had been taken against these
petitioners. There is no indication in the resolution as to how
3 (2016) 6 SCC 82
the 12 members (petitioners herein) were identified from a
huge crowd of people and singled out for initiating the action
of suspension. As a matter of fact, the impugned resolution
itself alludes to unruly behaviour on the floor of the House
and outside the chamber of the Speaker. The video footage of
the alleged incident, which is in public domain, shows a large
crowd of people and there is absolutely no way of identifying
the 12 MLAs (petitioners herein) who have been suspended
and singled out. As a matter of fact, the Minister who
brought the motion was not even present in the chamber of
the Speaker. In a similar situation, this Court in
Alagaapuram R. Mohanraj4
had to quash the resolution for
lack of evidence to identify the suspended members of the
Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly.
11. In the present case, the impugned resolution makes no
reference to any material much less video footage, etc., which
has been relied upon before bringing an action for
suspension. Moreover, it is amply clear from the impugned
resolution that the action against the petitioners was for
4 supra at Footnote No.3
alleged unruly behaviour/misconduct and not for breach of
privilege that is covered by an independent dispensation. As
regards suspension of a member of the House, as per Rule 53
of the Rules such action could be initiated “only” by the
Speaker after complying with the principles of natural justice
and fair play. The provision, such as Rule 53, is engrafted to
put a check on the majoritarian attitude of the Government.
The Speaker is expected to act fairly, in particular during the
conduct of proceedings in the House towards both sides,
namely, members of the Ruling Party as well as of the
Opposition Party. So to speak, he exercises quasijudicial
12. It is urged that a motion for unruly behaviour in the
House can never be a subject matter of voting since it would
enable the political party in power to virtually wipe out the
opposition for some trivial acts committed by their members,
by suspending as many members of the Opposition Party.
The decision of suspension, therefore, must rest with the
Speaker and not the House. Notably, Rule 53 of the Rules
prescribes a maximum period of suspension not exceeding
remainder of the Sessions. Thus, suspension of the
petitioners for a period of one year is grossly unconstitutional
and illegal. If the impugned resolution was allowed to prevail,
nothing would prevent the political party in power (in
majority) to resort to such mechanism and to suspend a large
number of members of Opposition Party upto five years or
remainder of the term of the Legislative Assembly by resorting
to voting in the House.
13. It is also urged that the erstwhile Speaker had stepped
down, as a result of which, he ceased to be the Chairman. As
such, heated exchanges allegedly occurring between him and
the petitioners outside the House, would not invite action of
suspension, inasmuch as after stepping down as Speaker, he
would continue only as an ordinary MLA. Further, the
Chairman nominated under Rule 8 of the Rules is not
empowered to exercise powers under Rule 53, considering the
fact that there was a Deputy Speaker of the House who could
have discharged the functions of the Speaker after his
stepping down or during his absence as per Article 180 of the
Constitution. In that sense, the impugned resolution dated
5.7.2021 is nullity and non est in the eyes of law, having
passed without authority of law.
14. These writ petitions came up for preliminary hearing on
14.12.2021. After hearing learned counsel for the petitioners
and for the State of Maharashtra, the Court passed the
following order:
“We have heard learned counsel for the petitioners
and for the State of Maharashtra.
These matters involve issues of moment for a
Westminster form of Democracy.
It is urged by the petitioners that the impugned
resolution by the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly dated
05.07.2021 suffers from the vice of denial of opportunity
of being heard and adherence to the rules of natural
It is also urged that the resolution neither follows the
procedure prescribed under Rule 53 of the Maharashtra
Legislative Assembly Rules (for short "The Rules"),
namely, for suspension of member of the House by the
Speaker nor predicated in Part XVIII including Rule 273
to take action against the member for breach of privilege
of the House.
It is also urged that the power of Legislative Assembly
though absolute in certain respects, the decision reached
by the House can always be questioned on the settled
principles amongst others being manifestly grossly
arbitrary or irrational, violating the fundamental rights
and such other grounds, as may be permissible and
delineated in the decision of the Constitution Bench of
this Court in Raja Rampal Vs. Hon'ble Speaker, Lok
Sabha & Ors. reported in (2007) 3 SCC 184, including
the two Judge decision of this Case in Alagaapuram R.
Mohan Raj & Ors. Vs. Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly &
Anr. reported in (2016) 6 SCC 82. Further, for the nature
of impugned resolution, it not only abridges the rights of
as many as twelve members, as guaranteed to them
under Article 194 of the Constitution of India, but also of
the constituencies represented by each of them by merely
invoking the route of majority opinion of the House, an
unprecedented and unconventional move not backed by
any similar precedent. In any case, the period of
suspension of one year is unconscionable and manifestly
arbitrary and irrational.
On the other hand, it is urged by the learned counsel
for the State that Article 212(1) of the Constitution of
India makes it amply clear that it is not open to the Court
to explore the argument of proper procedure not followed
by the House. Further, it is not open to the Court to do
judicial review of the final decision on the basis of
abstract arguments and grounds urged before this Court;
and even if a sui generis procedure has been adopted by
the House, it is the absolute prerogative of the House to
regulate its business.
It is also urged by the learned counsel for the State
that the petitioners have not refuted the case made out
against them about misbehaviour in the House and
outside the House as well. Indeed, this plea has been
countered by learned counsel appearing for the
All these are debatable issues and would require
deeper consideration.
As a result, we deem it appropriate to issue a formal
notice to the respondents, returnable on 11.01.2022.
Mr. Sachin Patil, Advocate waives notice for
respondent No. 2State.
Additionally, the petitioner is permitted to serve dasti
notice on the respondent No.1.
Needless to observe that pendency of these petitions
will not come in the way of the petitioners to explore the
possibility of urging upon the House to show leniency
and reconsider the decision impugned in these writ
petitions, at least, to the extent of reducing the term
specified therein. That is a matter to be considered by the
House appropriately.”
By this order, the Court had expressed a sanguine hope that the
matter would get resolved in the ensuing Session scheduled in the
following week. Presumably, no effective headway had been made
in that regard.
15. It appears that notice sent to respondent No.1, as per
office report, has been duly served. We have been informed
by the learned counsel appearing for the State as well as the
petitioners that respondent No.1 would not be appearing in
the present proceedings. The respondentState, however, is
defending the impugned resolution by filing counter affidavit
dated 7.1.2022 sworn by Mr. Satish Baban Waghole, In
Charge Secretary, Parliamentary Affairs Department. The
reply affidavit amongst others points out that the issues
raised by the petitioners are essentially the matters
concerning procedure in the House of the Legislative
Assembly and at best regarding some procedural irregularities
committed during the proceedings. That cannot be the basis
to invoke jurisdiction of this Court which is constricted by the
mandate of Article 212 of the Constitution, as it concerns the
powers and privileges of the House. Thus, the petitioners are
not entitled for any relief under Article 32 of the Constitution.
16. It is urged that the suspension for unruly conduct in the
House is not solely referrable to Rule 53 of the Rules.
Whereas, it is open to the Legislature to depart from the Rules
and take a decision which could exceed the period prescribed
in the Rules. The period of one year suspension cannot be
said to be arbitrary or disproportionate as such when the
Legislature has the prerogative to reprimand or admonish its
members, independent of the power of the Speaker of the
House to order withdrawal of members under the Rules. The
House has the power to take suitable action against its
members who transgress the limits laid down in Article 194(1)
of the Constitution, being its inherent power and it is not
open to the Judicature to have a secondguess approach in
that regard.
17. It is urged that from the averments in the writ petitions
itself, it is conceded that the Leader of Opposition had to
apologise for the unruly behaviour of the members of the
Opposition including that of the petitioners. The petitioners
had committed acts which resulted in undermining and
maligning the dignity of the House in the face of the House
and for which reason, the House decided to suspend the
petitioners. In such a situation, there is no question of
granting any opportunity of hearing or for furnishing written
explanation, being a case of contempt of the House on the
face of it while it was in Session. The reply affidavit
essentially rebuts the legal arguments of the petitioners and
reiterates the factual position emanating from the impugned
resolution itself and urges this Court to dismiss the writ
petitions being devoid of merits.
Submissions Petitioners:
18. The petitioners are represented by Mr. Mahesh
Jethmalani, Mr. Mukul Rohatgi, Mr. Neeraj Kishan Kaul and
Mr. Siddharth Bhatnagar, learned senior counsel. The sum
and substance of their submission is as follows. First, the
impugned resolution passed by the House is without
jurisdiction. For, the power to suspend as per applicable
Rules is bestowed “only” upon the Speaker of the House and
as the Office of the Speaker was vacant at the relevant time,
upon the Deputy Speaker as per Article 180 of the
Constitution. Further, the exercise of power by the Speaker is
a quasijudicial decision which must, therefore, precede with
a formal inquiry, opportunity of hearing to the member
concerned and recording of satisfaction about the nature of
misdeeds committed by the member concerned amounting to
grossly disorderly conduct. In short, the House had no
jurisdiction to pass the impugned resolution much less the
manner in which it has been passed, in undue haste.
Second, no known or prescribed procedure has been followed
to order withdrawal of the members from the Assembly.
Thus, a gross illegality has been committed by the House.
The House is bound to adhere to the Rules framed by it for
that purpose under Article 208 of the Constitution. The
applicable Rules provide for different dispensation. The power
to order withdrawal of its member, is provided in Rule 53 and
regarding breach of its Privileges is governed by Part XVIII of
the Rules (vide Rules 273 to 289). A 15 days’ notice regarding
the motion introduced in the House is required to be given
under Part XII of the Rules being Rule 106 of the Rules. None
of these have been followed in tabling of the subject motion
and in passing the impugned resolution. Thus, it is not a
case of mere procedural irregularity, but of being
unconstitutional, grossly illegal and irrational resolution
adopted by the House including the direction to the
petitioners to withdraw from the House for one year vide
impugned resolution. Thirdly, there has been gross violation
of principles of natural justice. In that, no opportunity
whatsoever was afforded to the petitioners much less a formal
notice calling upon them to offer their explanation. Had such
an opportunity been given, it would have been possible for the
petitioners to demonstrate that they were not part of the
unruly mob which had indulged in activities amounting to
grossly disorderly conduct.
18.(a) It is also urged that at any rate the impugned
resolution suspending the petitioners for a period of one year
cannot be countenanced in law being unconstitutional,
grossly illegal and irrational. Inasmuch as, Rule 53 provides
for a graded approach to be adopted by the Speaker for
ensuring orderly conduct of business in the House by
directing withdrawal of a member, who in his opinion, had or
was creating obstruction in that regard. Inasmuch as, if it is
his first instance of such type, the Speaker could order his
withdrawal for the remainder of the day’s meeting. In case of
repeat misconduct during the same Session, the Speaker
could order withdrawal of such member for the remainder of
the Session. Had it been a case of exercise of power under
Rule 53, the member so directed to be absent shall, during
the period of such absence, is deemed to be absent with the
permission of the Assembly within the meaning of clause (4)
of Article 190 of the Constitution. However, the impugned
resolution makes no reference to this aspect at all.
18.(b) On the stated position taken by the respondents that the
power has been exercised by the House and is not ascribable
to Rule 53, but the inherent power of the House, even in that
case, the suspension of the member of the House cannot go
beyond the ongoing Session. Inasmuch as, excess and
unnecessary period of suspension of the member from the
House is not only undesirable in the matter of democratic
values enunciated in the Constitution, but substantively or
grossly illegal and irrational, if not bordering on perversity.
For, longer period of suspension beyond the ongoing Session
would not only be unnecessary, but nearer to being arbitrary,
irrational and perverse. Taking any other view would entail in
validating grossly illegal and irrational resolution of the
House. To buttress this argument, support is drawn
additionally from the dispensation predicated in the
concerned Standing Order of the United Kingdom regarding
the Parliamentary Procedure as well as extracts from Sir
Thomas Erskine May’s Treatise on The Law, Privileges
Proceedings and Usage of Parliament. It is urged that the
consequence of absence of suspended member of the House
beyond sixty days would entail in vacation of the seat
occupied by him/her, as predicated in Article 190(4); and in
which case, in law, the concerned constitutional Authority
would be obliged to initiate process to fill in the vacant seat(s)
not later than six months from the date of such vacancy in
terms of Section 151A5
of the Representation of the People
Act, 19516
. This is essential also to ensure that the
concerned constituency does not remain unrepresented in the
Legislative Assembly for more than six months owing to the
action against its duly elected representative by the House.
Had it been a case of expulsion, it would not have resulted in
punishment either to the concerned member or the
constituency represented by him. For, the member concerned
in that case could get reelected to occupy the vacant seat not
later than six months. Thus understood, the timeline of
suspension of the petitioners prescribed in the impugned
resolution is worst and operates as inflicting penalty upon the
petitioners as well as the constituency represented by them.
In other words, it is worse than expulsion of a member of the
5 151A. Time limit for filling vacancies referred to in sections 147, 149, 150 and 151.—
Notwithstanding anything contained in section 147, section 149, section 150 and section 151,
a byeelection for filling any vacancy referred to in any of the said sections shall be held within
a period of six months from the date of the occurrence of the vacancy:
Provided that nothing contained in this section shall apply if—
(a) the remainder of the term of a member in relation to a vacancy is less than
one year; or
(b) the Election Commission in consultation with the Central Government
certifies that it is difficult to hold the byeelection within the said period.
6 for short, “1951 Act”
18.(c) In the present case, learned counsel contends that the
House had to assemble for only two days of the ongoing
Session. The suspension, therefore, ideally could not have
been for a period more than the remainder of the Session in
terms of Rule 53 of the Rules. Moreover, as the motion was
introduced in the House for initiating contempt, it ought to
have proceeded only under Part XVIII of the Rules by following
procedure prescribed therein which includes giving
opportunity of hearing to the member before the Committee of
Privileges. If it was to be regarded as an ordinary motion,
then the procedure under Rule 106 of the Rules would have
required 15 clear days’ notice. Further, Rule 1107
that the resolution if moved by the Minister, it should precede
with seven days’ notice. Even this requirement had been
violated. In either case, the impugned resolution suffers from
the vice of denial of principles of natural justice, besides being
arbitrary, perfunctory and founded on unsubstantiated
allegations against the petitioners. To buttress this
7 110. Government Resolutions.— (1) The provisions of rule 106 shall not apply to
resolutions of which notice is given by a Minister or the Advocate General.
(2) Seven days’ notice shall be necessary in respect of such resolutions
(emphasis supplied)
submission, reliance has been placed on the dictum in
Alagaapuram R. Mohanraj8
18.(d) It is then urged that at any rate the time period of
suspension as specified in the impugned resolution is manifestly
arbitrary and grossly disproportionate and excessive, besides being
grossly illegal and unconstitutional being hit by Articles 14 and 21
of the Constitution. For, the impugned resolution entails in denial
of representation even to the concerned constituency for such a
long time, much less beyond the period specified in the
Constitution [Article 190(4)] and the mandate of conducting
elections not later than six months from the date of
vacancy vide Sections 150 and 151A of the 1951 Act.
Reliance is placed on Barton vs. Taylor9
, Sushanta Kumar
Chand & Ors. vs. The Speaker, Orissa Legislative
Assembly and Anr.10
, M.S.M. Sharma vs. Sri Krishna
Sinha & Ors.11, Special Reference No.1 of 196412, Jagjit
Singh vs. State of Haryana & Ors.13, Raja Ram
8 supra at Footnote No.3 (paras 38 to 42)
9 (1886) 11 AC 197
10 AIR 1973 Ori 111 (Division Bench)
11 AIR 1959 SC 395 (5Judge Bench) (paras 25,26,28 and 29)
12 AIR 1965 SC 745 (7Judge Bench) (paras 31,32,35,36,39 to 41,56,60,61,124 and 125)
13 (2006) 11 SCC 1 (3Judge Bench) (para 44)
Pal vs. Hon’ble Speaker, Lok Sabha & Ors.14 and Amarinder
Singh vs. Special Committee, Punjab Vidhan Sabha & Ors.15
18.(e) It was also argued that suspension of members beyond
the period specified in Rule 53 tantamounts to deviation from the
logic stated therein. And being a case of deviation from the
applicable Rules, it was essential to first suspend Rule 53. That
could be done by way of a motion under Rule 5716. Moreover, the
general powers of the Speaker have been constricted in terms of
Rule 5817, namely, limited to matters not specifically provided for in
the rules.
Submissions – Respondent (State of Maharashtra):
19. Mr. C. Aryama Sundaram, learned senior counsel
appearing for the State of Maharashtra, however, would urge
that much argument of the petitioners is founded on
untenable assumption that the Rules were binding on the
14 (2007) 3 SCC 184 (5Judge Bench)
15 (2010) 6 SCC 113 (5Judge Bench) (paras 47,62,64 and 65)
16 57. Suspension of rules.— Any member may, with the consent of the Speaker, move that
any rule may be suspended in its application to a particular motion before the House; and if
the motion is carried, the rule in question shall be suspended for the time being.
17 58. General Powers of Speaker.— All matters not specifically provided for in these
rules and all questions relating to the detailed working of these rules shall be regulated in
such manner as the Speaker may, from time to time direct.
(emphasis supplied)
House; and it was not open to the House to proceed dehors
the rules formulated under Article 208 of the Constitution.
He submits that it is open to the Legislature to deviate from
the Rules, even if framed under Article 208. Such rules are
only akin to the byelaws of the society which are not
enforceable nor can it be regarded as statutory rules.
Further, grounds of challenge set forth by the petitioners are
essentially questioning the procedure adopted by the House
in adopting the impugned resolution. Such a challenge
cannot be maintained nor could be entertained by the Court
in light of bar under Article 212(1) in particular. It is not
open to the Court to question the decision of the House on the
ground of irregularities in the procedure. For, the House has
the prerogative to adopt its own procedure even dehors the
rules framed under Article 208. In a given situation, the rules
being procedural rules can be deviated by the House, if the
need so arises. The Court can only enquire into the question
as to whether the House had jurisdiction to adopt such a
resolution and no further.
19.(a) He further submits that it is cardinal that the powers
and privileges of the House of Legislatures as delineated in
Article 194 of the Constitution are nonjusticiable, forming
part of Chapter III (the State Legislature) in Part VI of the
Constitution. It is so mandated by Article 212(1) of the
Constitution. That gives enough room to the Legislature to
adopt its own procedure for upholding the privileges of the
House of Legislature and its members which includes
proceeding against even nonmember in case of breach.
Thus, it is not open to even remotely suggest that the
Legislature lacks jurisdiction.
19.(b) He submits that the fact that Rule 53 of the Rules
provides for exercise of power by the Speaker to order
withdrawal of member in graded manner, that does not and
cannot prevent the House from passing a resolution to even
expel the erring member. Thus, the House can certainly
direct suspension of its member for a period beyond the
remainder term of the Session. The Legislature while
adopting such resolution is not required to give any reason.
For, no judicial review of reasons which had weighed with the
Legislature to pass the resolution is permissible, unless it is
further shown that the resolution adopted by the House is
unconstitutional. In the present case, the House had adopted
resolution which is selfeloquent. In that, it mentions the
necessity for passing such a resolution of suspension of the
petitioners for a term of one year. The power has been
exercised by the Legislature, which is inherent in it especially
regarding the conduct of its business. The impugned
resolution, therefore, is not unconstitutional. He would
submit that in the guise of asserting that the impugned
resolution is irrational, the petitioners in effect are
questioning the proportionality of the period of suspension.
This enquiry by the Court is impermissible. For, the decision
of the House regarding quantum or the period of suspension
is nonjusticiable
19.(c) He vehemently urged that this Court ought not to
venture into the factual matrix and have a secondguess
approach regarding the opinion expressed by the House in the
impugned resolution. To buttress his submissions, he has
placed reliance on the decision of the Gujarat High Court in
Jagdishbhai Thakore & Anr. vs. Chandrikaben
Chudasma & Ors.18, which follows the exposition of the
Division Bench of the same High Court in Chhabildas
Mehta, M.L.A. vs. The Legislative Assembly, Gujarat
State19. He has also placed reliance on K.A. Mathialagan
vs. P. Srinivasan & Ors.20
, A.M. Paulraj vs. The Speaker,
Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly, Madras & Anr.21
, K.
Anbazhagan & Ors. vs. The Secretary, The Tamil Nadu
Legislative Assembly, Madras & Ors.22, V.C. Chandhira
Kumar, Member of Legislative Assembly & Ors. vs. Tamil
Nadu Legislative Assembly, Secretariat & Anr.23, Special
Reference No.1 of 196424
, Kihota Hollohon vs. Zachilhu
& Ors.25
, M.C. Mehta vs. Union of India & Ors.25A
, Raja
Ram Pal26 and Amarinder Singh27
18 2007 SCC OnLine Guj 402 (para 8): 2007 (48) 4 GLR 2998 (Single Judge Bench)
19 (1970) 11 GLR 729 (Division Bench) (paras 14 to 16)
20 AIR 1973 Madras 371 (Full Bench)
21 AIR 1986 Madras 248 (Full Bench)
22 1987 SCC OnLine Mad 89 (Division Bench) (paras 87 to 92, 101, 108 to 110 and 160)
23 2013 (6) CTC 506 (Division Bench) (paras 4.19 to 4.30)
24 supra at Footnote No.12 (paras 31,34,35 and 39 to 41)
25 AIR 1993 SC 412:1992 Supp (2) SCC 651 (5Judge Bench)
25A (1999) 6 SCC 237 (paras 18 to 21)
26 supra at Footnote No.14 (paras 125, 160 to 162, 163, 271 to 300, 451 to 453, 530, 531,
534, 536, 598 and 696 to 705)
27 supra at Footnote No.15 (paras 54 and 66)
20. He would further submit that the Maharashtra
Legislative Assembly even in the past on more than one
occasion had passed similar resolution to suspend its
member for one year period. That is the legitimate inherent
power of the House in the matter of upholding its privilege.
Article 190(3) prescribes no limitation in this regard. Further,
the invocation of Article 190(4) and Section 151A of the 1951
Act by the petitioners, is completely misplaced. For, Article
190(4) has no application unless the absence of the member
concerned is voluntary and without permission of the House.
Article 190(4) cannot override the powers and privileges of the
Legislature endowed in Article 190(3). Article 190(4) is an
enabling provision envisaging occurrence of vacancy only if
the Legislature so resolves/decides, unlike ipso facto vacancy
occurring in situations referred to in Article 190(1) to 190(3).
For issuing declaration under Article 190(4) that vacancy has
arisen, it ought to be done by the Legislature if such
recommendation is made by the Committee constituted under
Rule 229 of the Rules known as Committee on Absence of
Members from the Sittings of the House. The functions of the
stated Committee are spelt out in Rule 230. The procedure
noted in Rules 231 and 232 is clearly indicative of the fact
that the absence of the member must be voluntary and
without permission of the House. In fact, the period of
absence noted in Article 190(4) is sixty days28 of meetings and
not English calendar days. In this case, only seven days of
meetings had been conducted so far. Thus, invocation of
Article 190(4) in the fact situation of the present case is
unavailable. Further, in the case of absence of member from
the House owing to his/her suspension by the House
presupposes that the House itself has restricted the entry of
the concerned member during the meetings and it can be
safely regarded as deemed permission of the House for
absence for the relevant period. Similarly, the constituency
cannot complain about its nonrepresentation in the House
having elected someone who conducts himself/herself
inappropriately in the meetings. In Raja Ram Pal29, similar
plea had been negatived. Concededly, suspended elected
representative continues to represent the constituency from
28 Out of total 98100 days in a year in three Sessions, namely, Budget, Monsoon and Winter
29 supra at Footnote No.14
where he/she has been elected for all other purposes except
attending the meetings owing to suspension. The argument
of the petitioners is more fixed on the basis of morality
approach. That cannot be countenanced. As a matter of law,
the House has inherent powers to direct suspension of its
member for one year period and there is no express bar or
restriction provided for by the Constitution or by virtue of any
statutory provision. In substance, it is urged that the Court
cannot enquire into the grievances as made, essentially being
about the irregularity of procedure in adopting the impugned
resolution by the House.
21. We have heard learned counsel for the petitioners and
the respondentState. As aforesaid, respondent No.1 has
chosen not to appear despite service.
22. The moot question is about the maintainability of the
challenge in respect of the stated resolution adopted by the
Legislative Assembly. The scope of interference by the Court
has been welldelineated in successive decisions of the
Constitution Bench of this Court. This Court has consistently
expounded that the judicial scrutiny regarding exercise of
legislative privileges (including power to punish for contempt
of the House) is constricted and cannot be stricto sensu on the
touchstone of judicial review as generally understood in other
situations. In that, there is complete immunity from judicial
review in matters of irregularity of procedure. The
Constitution Bench of this Court in Raja Ram Pal30
delineated the principles on the basis of catena of decisions
noted in the said decision as follows:
“Summary of the principles relating to parameters
of judicial review in relation to exercise of
parliamentary provisions
431. We may summarise the principles that can be
culled out from the above discussion. They are:
(a) Parliament is a coordinate organ and its views do
deserve deference even while its acts are amenable to
judicial scrutiny;
(b) The constitutional system of government abhors
absolutism and it being the cardinal principle of our
Constitution that no one, howsoever lofty, can claim to
be the sole judge of the power given under the
Constitution, mere coordinate constitutional status, or
even the status of an exalted constitutional
functionaries, does not disentitle this Court from
exercising its jurisdiction of judicial review of actions
which partake the character of judicial or quasijudicial decision;
30 supra at Footnote No.14
(c) The expediency and necessity of exercise of power or
privilege by the legislature are for the determination of
the legislative authority and not for determination by
the courts;
(d) The judicial review of the manner of exercise of
power of contempt or privilege does not mean the said
jurisdiction is being usurped by the judicature;
(e) Having regard to the importance of the functions
discharged by the legislature under the Constitution
and the majesty and grandeur of its task, there would
always be an initial presumption that the powers,
privileges, etc. have been regularly and reasonably
exercised, not violating the law or the constitutional
provisions, this presumption being a rebuttable one;
(f) The fact that Parliament is an august body of
coordinate constitutional position does not mean
that there can be no judicially manageable
standards to review exercise of its power;
(g) While the area of powers, privileges and
immunities of the legislature being exceptional and
extraordinary its acts, particularly relating to
exercise thereof, ought not to be tested on the
traditional parameters of judicial review in the
same manner as an ordinary administrative action
would be tested, and the Court would confine itself
to the acknowledged parameters of judicial review
and within the judicially discoverable and
manageable standards, there is no foundation to
the plea that a legislative body cannot be
attributed jurisdictional error;
(h) The judicature is not prevented from scrutinising
the validity of the action of the legislature trespassing
on the fundamental rights conferred on the citizens;
(i) The broad contention that the exercise of privileges
by legislatures cannot be decided against the
touchstone of fundamental rights or the constitutional
provisions is not correct;
(j) If a citizen, whether a nonMember or a Member of
the legislature, complains that his fundamental rights
under Article 20 or 21 had been contravened, it is the
duty of this Court to examine the merits of the said
contention, especially when the impugned action
entails civil consequences;
(k) There is no basis to the claim of bar of exclusive
cognizance or absolute immunity to the parliamentary
proceedings in Article 105(3) of the Constitution;
(l) The manner of enforcement of privilege by the
legislature can result in judicial scrutiny, though
subject to the restrictions contained in the other
constitutional provisions, for example Article 122 or
(m) Article 122(1) and Article 212(1) displace the broad
doctrine of exclusive cognizance of the legislature in
England of exclusive cognizance of internal
proceedings of the House rendering irrelevant the caselaw that emanated from courts in that jurisdiction;
inasmuch as the same has no application to the
system of governance provided by the Constitution of
(n) Article 122(1) and Article 212(1) prohibit the validity
of any proceedings in legislature from being called in
question in a court merely on the ground of
irregularity of procedure;
(o) The truth or correctness of the material will not be
questioned by the court nor will it go into the adequacy
of the material or substitute its opinion for that of the
(p) Ordinarily, the legislature, as a body, cannot be
accused of having acted for an extraneous purpose or
being actuated by caprice or mala fide intention, and
the court will not lightly presume abuse or misuse,
giving allowance for the fact that the legislature is the
best judge of such matters, but if in a given case, the
allegations to such effect are made, the court may
examine the validity of the said contention, the onus
on the person alleging being extremely heavy;
(q) The rules which the legislature has to make for
regulating its procedure and the conduct of its
business have to be subject to the provisions of the
(r) Mere availability of the Rules of Procedure and
Conduct of Business, as made by the legislature in
exercise of enabling powers under the Constitution, is
never a guarantee that they have been duly followed;
(s) The proceedings which may be tainted on
account of substantive or gross illegality or
unconstitutionality are not protected from judicial
(t) Even if some of the material on which the action is
taken is found to be irrelevant, the court would still
not interfere so long as there is some relevant material
sustaining the action;
(u) An ouster clause attaching finality to a
determination does ordinarily oust the power of
the court to review the decision but not on grounds
of lack of jurisdiction or it being a nullity for some
reason such as gross illegality, irrationality,
violation of constitutional mandate, mala fides,
noncompliance with rules of natural justice and
(emphasis supplied)
23. These principles have been restated by the subsequent
Constitution Bench in Amarinder Singh31, in paragraphs 53
and 54. Further, it would be useful to advert to the
observations in paragraphs 87 and 88 of the same decision in
31 supra at Footnote No.15
the context of the concerns about the intrusion into the
powers of the Legislature. The same reads thus:
“Concerns about intrusion into the executive and
judicial domain
87. The doctrine of separation of powers is an
inseparable part of the evolution of parliamentary
democracy itself. Renowned French philosopher
Montesquieu had drawn the attention of political
theorists to the dangers inherent in the concentration of
legislative, executive and judicial powers in one authority
and stressed on the necessity of checks and balances in
constitutional governance. Our institutions of
governance have been intentionally founded on the
principle of separation of powers and the
Constitution does not give unfettered power to any
organ. All the three principal organs are expected to
work in harmony and in consonance with the spirit
and essence of the Constitution. It is clear that a
legislative body is not entrusted with the power of
adjudicating a case once an appropriate forum is in
existence under the constitutional scheme.
88. It would be pertinent to cite the following
observations made by M.H. Beg, J. (as His Lordship then
was) in Indira Nehru Gandhi v. Raj Narain32: (SCC p. 149,
para 392)
“392. … One of these basic principles seems to me
to be that, just as courts are not constitutionally
competent to legislate under the guise of
interpretation, so also neither our Parliament nor
any State Legislature, in the purported exercise of
any kind of lawmaking power, perform an
essentially judicial function by virtually
withdrawing a particular case, pending in any
court, and taking upon itself the duty to decide it
by an application of law or its own standards to
the facts of that case. This power must at least be
first constitutionally taken away from the court
concerned and vested in another authority before it
32 1975 Supp SCC 1
can be lawfully exercised by that other authority. It is
not a necessary or even a natural incident of a
‘constituent power’. As Hans Kelsen points out, in his
‘General Theory of Law and the State’ (see p. 143),
while creation and annulment of all general norms,
whether basic or not so basic, is essentially a
legislative function, their interpretation and
application to findings reached, after a correct
ascertainment of facts involved in an individual case,
by employing the judicial technique, is really a
judicial function. Neither of the three
constitutionally separate organs of State can,
according to the basic scheme of our Constitution
today, leap outside the boundaries of its own
constitutionally assigned sphere or orbit of
authority into that of the other. This is the logical
meaning of the principle of supremacy of the
(emphasis supplied)
24. To the same end, dictum of the Constitution Bench in
SubCommittee on Judicial Accountability vs. Union of
India & Ors.33 may be apposite. In paragraph 61 of the
reported decision, the Court observed thus:
“61. But where, as in this country and unlike in
England, there is a written Constitution which
constitutes the fundamental and in that sense a “higher
law” and acts as a limitation upon the legislature and
other organs of the State as grantees under the
Constitution, the usual incidents of parliamentary
sovereignty do not obtain and the concept is one of
‘limited government’. Judicial review is, indeed, an
incident of and flows from this concept of the
fundamental and the higher law being the touchstone
of the limits of the powers of the various organs of
the State which derive power and authority under the
Constitution and that the judicial wing is the
33 (1991) 4 SCC 699 (5Judge Bench)
interpreter of the Constitution and, therefore, of the
limits of authority of the different organs of the
State. It is to be noted that the British Parliament with
the Crown is supreme and its powers are unlimited and
courts have no power of judicial review of legislation.”
(emphasis supplied)
The Court then noted that this doctrine is in one sense the doctrine
of ultra vires in the constitutional law and in a federal set up, the
judiciary becomes the guardian of the Constitution. It enunciated
that the rule in Bradlaugh vs. Gossett34 was inapplicable to
proceedings of colonial legislature governed by the written
Constitution. In paragraph 66, the Court expounded as follows:
“66. The principles in Bradlaugh35 is that even a
statutory right if it related to the sphere where
Parliament and not the courts had exclusive jurisdiction
would be a matter of the Parliament's own concern. But
the principle cannot be extended where the matter is
not merely one of procedure but of substantive law
concerning matters beyond the parliamentary
procedure. Even in matters of procedure the
constitutional provisions are binding as the
legislations are enforceable. Of the interpretation of the
Constitution and as to what law is the courts have the
constitutional duty to say what the law is. The
question whether the motion has lapsed is a matter to be
pronounced upon the basis of the provisions of the
Constitution and the relevant laws. Indeed, the learned
Attorney General submitted that the question whether as
an interpretation of the constitutional processes and
laws, such a motion lapses or not is exclusively for the
courts to decide.”
(emphasis supplied)
34 (1884) 12 QBD 271: 50 LT 620
35 supra at Footnote No.34
25. In the Indian context, the power of the Legislature is not
absolute, as noted by the Constitution Bench in Raja Ram
Pal36 in paragraph 398. The same reads thus:
“398. We are of the view that the manner of exercise of
the power or privilege by Parliament is immune from
judicial scrutiny only to the extent indicated in Article
122(1), that is to say the court will decline to interfere if
the grievance brought before it is restricted to allegations
of “irregularity of procedure”. But in case gross
illegality or violation of constitutional provisions is
shown, the judicial review will not be inhibited in any
manner by Article 122, or for that matter by Article
105. If one was to accept what was alleged while
rescinding the resolution of expulsion by the Seventh Lok
Sabha with the conclusion that it was “inconsistent with
and violative of the wellaccepted principles of the law of
parliamentary privilege and the basic safeguards
assured to all enshrined in the Constitution”, it
would be a partisan action in the name of exercise of
privilege. We are not going into this issue but citing the
incident as an illustration.”
(emphasis supplied)
After having said as above, the Court proceeded to examine the
extent of circumspection to be observed by the courts. That had
been exposited in following words:
“414. In State of Rajasthan v. Union of India37 while
dealing with the issues arising out of communication by
the then Union Home Minister to the nine States asking
them to advise their respective Governors to observe the
36 supra at Footnote No.14
37 (1977) 3 SCC 592 : AIR 1977 SC 1361
Legislative Assemblies and therefore seek mandate from
the people, this Court observed in para 40 as under:
(SCC p. 616)
“40. This Court has never abandoned its
constitutional function as the final judge of
constitutionality of all acts purported to be done
under the authority of the Constitution. It has not
refused to determine questions either of fact or of
law so long as it has found itself possessed of power
to do it and the cause of justice to be capable of
being vindicated by its actions. But, it cannot
assume unto itself powers the Constitution lodges
elsewhere or undertake tasks entrusted by the
Constitution to other departments of State which may
be better equipped to perform them. The scrupulously
discharged duties of all guardians of the
Constitution include the duty not to transgress the
limitations of their own constitutionally circumscribed
powers by trespassing into what is properly the
domain of other constitutional organs. Questions of
political wisdom or executive policy only could not
be subjected to judicial control. No doubt executive
policy must also be subordinated to constitutionally
sanctioned purposes. It has its sphere and
limitations. But, so long as it operates within that
sphere, its operations are immune from judicial
interference. This is also a part of the doctrine of a
rough separation of powers under the supremacy of
the Constitution repeatedly propounded by this
Court and to which the Court unswervingly adheres
even when its views differ or change on the correct
interpretation of a particular constitutional
(emphasis supplied)
415. We reaffirm the said resolve and find no reason
why in the facts and circumstances at hand this
Court should take a different view so as to abandon
its constitutional functions as the final judge of
constitutionality of all acts purported to be done
under the authority of the Constitution, though at
the same time refraining from transgressing into the
sphere that is properly the domain of Parliament.
416. Learned Additional Solicitor General submits that
in U.P. Assembly case (Special Reference No. 1 of
1964)38 the Court had placed reliance on Articles 208 and
212 which contemplate that rules can be framed by the
legislature subject to the provisions of the
Constitution which in turn implies that such rules
are compliant with the fundamental rights
guaranteed by Part III. He submits that if the rules
framed under Article 118 (which corresponds to
Article 208) are consistent with Part III of the
Constitution then the exercise of powers, privileges
and immunities is bound to be a fair exercise and
Parliament can be safely attributed such an intention.
417. While it is true that there is no challenge to the
Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok
Sabha and the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of
Business in the Council of States, as made by the two
Houses of Parliament in exercise of enabling powers
under Article 118(1), we are of the opinion that mere
availability of rules is never a guarantee that they
have been duly followed. What we are concerned with,
given the limits prescribed in Article 122(1), is not
“irregularity of procedure” but illegalities or
(emphasis supplied in bolds)
26. From the exposition in these successive Constitution
Bench decisions referred to above, it is not possible to
countenance the submission of the learned counsel for the
respondentState that the enquiry must be limited to one of
the parameters specified in Raja Ram Pal39 and, in this case,
only clause (s) – “The proceedings which may be tainted on
38 supra at Footnote No.12
39 supra at Footnote No.14
account of substantive or gross illegality or
unconstitutionality are not protected from judicial scrutiny”.
On the other hand, we lean in favour of taking the view that
each of the parameters is significant and permissible area of
judicial review in relation to exercise of parliamentary
privileges including clauses (f), (g), (s) and (u). In one sense,
clause (u) is a comprehensive parameter articulated by the
Constitution Bench in Raja Ram Pal40, as it predicates that
“an ouster clause attaching finality to a determination does
ordinarily oust the power of the court to review the decision
but not on grounds of lack of jurisdiction or it being a nullity
for some reason such as gross illegality, irrationality, violation
of constitutional mandate, mala fides, noncompliance with
rules of natural justice and perversity”.
27. The Constitution, by itself, does not specify the
limitation on the privileges of the Legislature, but,
indubitably, those privileges are subject to the provisions of
the Constitution (as is predicated in the opening part of
Article 194(1) as also in Article 208(1) requiring the House of
40 supra at Footnote No.14
the Legislature to make rules for regulating its procedure),
which ought to include the rights guaranteed to the citizens
under Part III of the Constitution. The moment it is
demonstrated that it is a case of infraction of any of the rights
under Para III of the Constitution including ascribable to
Articles 14 and 21 of the Constitution, the exercise of power
by the Legislature would be rendered unconstitutional. For
attracting Articles 14 and 21 of the Constitution, it is open to
the petitioner to demonstrate that the action of the
Legislature is manifestly arbitrary. The arbitrariness can be
attributed to different aspects. Applying that test, it could be
a case of irrationality of the resolution/decision of the House.
Indeed, in this case, the Court is not called upon to enquire
into the proportionality of such a resolution/decision.
28. There is marked distinction between the expression
“rational” and “proportional”. The expression “proportion” is
derived from a latin word “proportio” or “proportionalis”. It
means corresponding in size or amount to something else. To
wit, the punishment should be proportional to the crime —
whereas, expression “rational” is derived from a latin word
“ratio” or “rationalis”. It means action is based on or in
accordance with the reason or logic or so to say sensible or
logical. The rationality of action can be tested, both on the
ground of power inhering in the Legislature and the exercise
of that power.
29. Keeping the stated principles in mind, we must proceed
to analyse the grounds of challenge in these petitions. The
foremost ground is that it is imperative for the House to
adhere to the procedure prescribed in the Rules framed by the
House under Article 208 of the Constitution.
30. The Constitution Bench of this Court in M.S.M.
Sharma41 had occasion to deal with the efficacy of the rules
so framed under Article 208 of the Constitution. In
paragraph 2942, the Court noted that Article 194(3) read with
41 supra at Footnote No.11
42 (29) Seeing that the present proceedings have been initiated on a petition under Art. 32 of
the Constitution and as the petitioner may not be entitled, for reasons stated above, to avail
himself of Art. 19(1)(a) to support this application, learned advocate for the petitioner falls
back upon Art. 21 and contends that the proceedings before the Committee of Privileges
threaten to deprive him of personal liberty otherwise than in accordance with procedure
established by law. The Legislative Assembly claims that under Art. 194(3) it has all the
powers, privileges and immunities enjoyed by the British House of Commons at the
commencement of our Constitution. If it has those powers, privileges and immunities, then it
can certainly enforce the same, as the House of Commons can do. Article 194(3) confers on
the Legislative Assembly those powers, privileges and immunities and Art. 208 confers
power on it to frame rules. The Bihar Legislative Assembly has framed rules in exercise
rules framed under Article 208 had laid down the procedure
for enforcing its powers, privileges and immunities. Further,
the Legislative Assembly has the powers, privileges and
immunities of the House of Commons and if the petitioner is
deprived of his personal liberty as a result of the proceedings
before the Committee of Privileges, such deprivation will be in
accordance with procedure established by law and the
petitioner cannot complain of the breach, actual or
threatened, of his fundamental right under Article 21. This
dictum presupposes that action taken under the rules framed
under Article 208 of the Constitution and in conformity
therewith is compliance of the procedure established by law
for the purpose of Article 21 of the Constitution.
of its powers under that Article. It follows, therefore, that Art. 194(3) read with the rules
so framed has laid down the procedure for enforcing its powers, privileges and
immunities. If, therefore, the Legislative Assembly has the powers, privileges and
immunities of the House of Commons and if the petitioner is eventually deprived of his
personal liberty as a result of the proceedings before the Committee of Privileges, such
deprivation will be in accordance with procedure established by law and the petitioner
cannot complain of the breach, actual or threatened, of his Fundamental Right under
Art. 21.
(emphasis supplied)
31. In Ratilal Bhanji Mithani vs. Asstt. Collector of
Customs, Bombay & Anr.43
, the Constitution Bench restated
the aforenoted position in the following words:
“….. As explained in Pandit Sharma’s case44
, these
powers and the procedure prescribed by the rules has
the sanction of enacted law and an order of committal
for contempt of the Assembly is according to
procedure established by law. Das, C.J., speaking for
four learned Judges said at page 861: “Art. 194(3) confers
on the Legislative Assembly those powers, privileges and
immunities and Art. 208 confers power on it to frame
rules. The Bihar Legislative Assembly has framed rules in
exercise of its powers under that Article. It follows,
therefore, that Art. 194(3) read with the rules so framed
has laid down the procedure for enforcing its powers,
privileges and immunities. If, therefore, the Legislative
Assembly has the powers, privileges and immunities of
the House of Commons and if the petitioner is eventually
deprived of his personal liberty as a result of the
proceedings before the Committee of Privileges, such
deprivation will be in accordance with procedure
established by law and the petitioner cannot complain of
the breach, actual or threatened, of his fundamental right
under Art. 21.” Subba Rao, J. in his minority judgment in
that case and the Court in Special Reference No. 1 of
196445 did not say anything to the contrary on this point.”
(emphasis supplied)
32. It is settled law that even rules made to exercise the
powers and privileges of State Legislature constitute law
within the meaning of Article 13. This is exposited in Special
43 (1967) 3 SCR 926 (at p. 929)
44 supra at Footnote No.11
45 supra at Footnote No.12
Reference No.1 of 196446
. It is held that when the State
Legislatures purport to exercise this power, they will
undoubtedly be acting under Article 246 read with Entry 39
of List II. The enactment of such a law will, therefore, have to
be treated as a law within the meaning of Article
33. In the backdrop of these observations, the plea taken by
the State that the rules are neither statutory rules nor
binding on the House will be of no avail. Indeed, the
Constitution Bench of this Court in SubCommittee on
Judicial Accountability47 in paragraph 94 noted as follows:
“94. Second view is to be preferred. It enables the entire
process of removal being regulated by a law of Parliament
— ensures uniformity and reduces chances of
arbitrariness. Article 118 is a general provision
conferring on each House of Parliament the power to
make its own rules of procedure. These rules are not
binding on the House and can be altered by the House
at any time. A breach of such rules amounts to an
irregularity and is not subject to judicial review in
view of Article 122.”
(emphasis supplied)
46 supra at Footnote No.12
47 supra at Footnote No.33
These observations have been noted while deliberating over the
legal question as to whether the law made by the Parliament in the
matter of removal of a judge of the High Court ought to prevail over
the Rules framed by the House under Article 118 (corresponding to
Article 208, applicable to State Legislative Assembly). This Court
held that the parliamentary law is of higher quality and efficacy
than the Rules under Article 118. This, however, had not whittled
down the legal exposition that the Rules framed by the Legislative
Assembly under Article 208 of the Constitution is the procedure
established by law for the purpose of Article 21 of the Constitution.
34. Be that as it may, it is wellsettled that the rules so
framed can be altered by the House at any time. Until the
rules are altered, however, the House is ordinarily guided by
the procedure prescribed in the rules framed under Article
208 of the Constitution. At the same time, proceedings inside
the Legislature cannot be called into question on the ground
that the same have not been carried on in accordance with
the rules of business as restated in Kihota Hollohon48
. It is,
however, enough for the present to observe that the rules
48 supra at Footnote No.25 (para 42)
framed under Article 208 acquire the status of procedure
established by law for the purpose of Article 21 of the
Constitution as noticed in M.S.M. Sharma49. This
observation has been quoted with approval by another
Constitution Bench again in Raja Ram Pal50
, inter alia, in
paragraphs 53, 167, 338, 416 and 417.
35. Viewed thus, even though the Legislature has the
prerogative to deviate from the rules including to alter the
rules; until then, and even otherwise, it is expected to adhere
to the “express substantive stipulation” (which is not mere
procedure) in the rules framed under Article 208 of the
Constitution and the principle underlying therein, being
procedure established by law.
36. As aforesaid, the dispensation prescribed under the
Rules to exercise power to order withdrawal of member
(suspension) is ascribable to Rule 53 of the Rules which reads
“53. Power to order withdrawal of member.— The
Speaker may direct any member who refuses to obey his
49 supra at Footnote No.11
50 supra at Footnote No.14
decision, or whose conduct is, in his opinion, grossly
disorderly, to withdraw immediately from the Assembly
and any member so ordered to withdraw shall do so
forthwith and shall absent himself during the remainder
of the day’s meeting. If any member is ordered to
withdraw a second time in the same Session, the
Speaker may direct the member to absent himself from
the meetings of the Assembly for any period not longer
than the remainder of the Session, and the member so
directed shall absent himself accordingly. The member so
directed to be absent shall, during the period of such
absence, be deemed to be absent with the permission of
the Assembly within the meaning of clause (4) of Article
190 of the Constitution.”
(emphasis supplied)
This Rule not only speaks about the procedure to be adopted for
passing the drastic order of withdrawal of a member from the
House but also about the substantive disciplinary or the rationality
of the selfsecurity measure to be taken in a graded (objective
standard) manner. The noncompliance of or deviation from the
former (procedure) may be nonjusticiable. However, in regard to
the substantive disciplinary or the rationality of the selfsecurity
measure inflicted upon the erring member, is open to judicial
review on the touchstone of being unconstitutional, grossly illegal
and irrational or arbitrary.
37. In terms of above Rule, the power is exercised by the
Speaker being a quasijudicial order directing the member to
withdraw from the meetings of the Assembly. The Speaker is
expected to exercise this power only in case of conduct of the
member being “grossly disorderly” and in a graded objective
manner. The raison d’etre is to ensure that the business of
the House on the given day or the ongoing Session, as the
case may be, can be carried on in an orderly manner and
without any disruption owing to misconduct of one or more
members. The expression used in the stated Rule is “grossly
38. The expression “grossly disorderly” has not been defined
in the Rules. The meaning of expression “gross” as given in
the Black’s Law Dictionary51 reads thus:
“gross, adj. (14c) 1. Conspicuous by reason of size or
other attentiongetting qualities; esp., obvious by reason
of magnitude <a gross Corinthian column>. 2.
Undiminished by deduction; entire <gross profits>. 3. Not
specific or detailed; general <a gross estimate>. 4. Coarse
in meaning or sense <gross slang>. 5. Repulsive in
behavior or appearance; sickening <a gross fellow with
gross habits>. 6. Beyond all reasonable measure; flagrant
<a gross injustice>.”
“Grossly”, is an adverb and indicative of relatively higher degree of
misconduct or so to say extremely wrong and deviant.
51 11th Edition
39. The expression “disorder” as defined in Black’s Law
Dictionary52 is as follows:
“disorder. (1877) 1. A lack of proper arrangement
<disorder of the files>. 2. An irregularity <a disorder in
the proceedings>. 3. A public disturbance; a riot. See
CIVIL DISORDER. 4. A disturbance in mental or physical
health <an emotional disorder> <a liver disorder>.”
The expression “disorderly” as defined in Black’s Law Dictionary53
is as follows:
“Disorderly. Contrary to the rules of good order and
behavior; violative of the public peace or good order;
turbulent, riotous, or indecent.”
In the Concise Oxford Dictionary54, the expression “disorderly” has
been defined thus:
“disorderly adj. 1 untidy; confused. 2 irregular; unruly;
riotous. 3 Law contrary to public order or morality.”
The expression “disorderly conduct” as defined in Black’s Law
Dictionary55 is as follows:
“disorderly conduct. See CONDUCT
Conduct, n. (15c) Personal behavior, whether by action
or inaction, verbal or nonverbal; the manner in which a
person behaves; collectively, a person’s deeds. Conduct
does not include the actor’s natural death or a death that
52 11th Edition
53 6
th Edition
54 8
th Edition
55 11th Edition
results from behavior consciously engaged in but not
reasonably expected to have this result. — conduct, vb.”
40. Taking the totality of the meaning of expressions
“grossly” and “disorderly”, it must follow that the conduct of
the member is such that it was impeding the smooth or
orderly functioning of the House, and may also be of such a
nature that it is likely to bring disrepute to the House. It may
involve varied situations and, therefore, implied exercise of
rational corrective mechanism is quintessential. The action of
suspension or directing withdrawal of a member from the
meetings of the Assembly is in the nature of selfsecurity and
is essentially directed to ensure that the House can then
protect itself against obstruction, or disturbance of its
ongoing proceedings owing to the misconduct of any of its
members. That power is different from the privilege to inflict
punishment on a member, which may require higher degree
of deprivation of the member over and above participating in
the proceedings of the House during the Session. In a given
case, it can be in the form of expulsion being the highest
degree of exclusion of the member from the House. Yet
another would be penal, in case of ordering imprisonment
owing to act of contempt of the House. We shall elaborate on
this aspect a little later while dealing with the challenge on
the ground of impugned resolution being grossly irrational.
41. Suffice it to observe that Rule 53 of the Rules provides
for a graded (rational and objective standard) approach to be
adopted by the Speaker for ensuring orderly conduct of the
business of the House. In the present case, however, the
Minister for Parliamentary Affairs introduced a motion in the
House for initiating action for contempt of the House, which
the Chairman allowed it to be put to vote instantly at 14:40
hours on the same day and it was passed by the House by
majority in no time. Indeed, if it is a case of grossly disorderly
behaviour in the House, the Speaker/Chairman himself is
free to take instantaneous decision to order withdrawal of the
member from the meetings of the Assembly during the
remainder of the day’s meeting and if it is a case of repeat
misconduct in the same Session — for the remainder of the
42. Concededly, there is nothing in the constitutional
scheme or the rules framed under Article 208 to prevent a
member of the House to move a motion for directing
withdrawal of a member on the ground of his grossly
disorderly conduct. Further, if the Speaker can suo motu
direct the member to withdraw from the Assembly on the
same day instantly to secure smooth functioning of the
proceedings, for the same logic, even the House could pass a
resolution itself on a motion being moved by a member of the
House instantly with the concurrence of the Speaker on such
a motion.
43. In the present case, the Chairman entertained the
subject motion and called upon the House to vote thereon,
which had the effect of giving tacit consent if not explicit
concurrence to the same. In that sense, it is not a case of
resolution passed by the House (to suspend its members) as
being without jurisdiction. It is a different matter that if the
Speaker/Chairman was to do so, it could be only under Rule
53 in a graded manner for the remainder of the day and for
repeat misconduct in the same Session — for the remainder
of the Session. That would be a logical and rational approach
consistent with the constitutional tenets.
44. If the House takes upon itself to discipline its members,
it is expected to adopt the same graded (rational and objective
standard) approach on the lines predicated in Rule 53. That
would be a case of rational action taken by the House as per
the procedure established by law. The expression “rational” is
defined in Black’s Law Dictionary56 as follows:
“rational, adj. (14c) 1. Endowed with the faculties of
cognition traditionally thought to distinguish humans
from the brutes <man as a rational being>. 2. Based on
logic rather than emotion; attained through clear
thinking; not absurd, preposterous, foolish, or fanciful <a
rational conclusion>. 3. (Of a person) able to think clearly
and sensibly; clearheaded and rightminded <Jones was
rational at the time of the woman’s death>.”
As opposed to a rational decision, it would be a case of irrational or
preposterous approach. The expression “irrational” as defined in
Black’s Law Dictionary57 is as follows:
“irrational, adj. (16c) Not guided by reason or by a fair
consideration of the facts <an irrational ruling>. See
arbitrary, adj. (15c) 1. Depending on individual
discretion; of, relating to, or involving a determination
made without consideration of or regard for facts,
circumstances, fixed rules, or procedures. 2. (Of a
56 11th Edition
57 11th Edition
judicial decision) founded on prejudice or preference
rather than on reason or fact.
This type of decision is often termed arbitrary and
capricious. Cf. CAPRICIOUS. — arbitrariness, n.”
45. A priori, if the resolution passed by the House was to
provide for suspension beyond the period prescribed under
the stated Rule, it would be substantively illegal, irrational
and unconstitutional. In that, the graded (rational and
objective standard) approach predicated in Rule 53 is the
benchmark to be observed by the Speaker to enable him to
ensure smooth working of the House, without any obstruction
or impediment and for keeping the recalcitrant member away
from the House for a period maximum upto the remainder of
the entire Session.
46. Inflicting suspension for a period “beyond the period
necessary” than to ensure smooth working/functioning of the
House during the Session “by itself”; and also, as per the
underlying objective standard specified in Rule 53,
indubitably, suffer from the vice of being grossly irrational
measure adopted against the erring member and also
substantively illegal and unconstitutional.
47. It is a different matter if the House had ended up with
resolution of expulsion of the member, which power in a given
situation it could legitimately exercise, as held in Raja Ram
. That action would not visit the member with
disqualification and also allow him to get reelected from the
same constituency within the statutory period of six months
from the date of vacation of his seat. However, if it is a case
of suspension for a period beyond the remainder of the
Session, it would entail in unnecessary (unessential)
deprivation. And longer or excessive deprival would not only
be regarded as irrational, but closer to or bordering on
perversity. Resultantly, such an action would be violative of
procedure established by law and also manifestly arbitrary,
grossly irrational and illegal and violative of Articles 14 and
21 of the Constitution.
48. Be it noted that suspension beyond the remainder
period of the ongoing Session would not only be grossly
irrational measure, but also violative of basic democratic
values owing to unessential deprivation of the member
58 supra at Footnote No.14
concerned and more importantly, the constituency would
remain unrepresented in the Assembly. It would also impact
the democratic setup as a whole by permitting the thin
majority Government (coalition Government) of the day to
manipulate the numbers of the Opposition Party in the House
in an undemocratic manner. Not only that, the Opposition
will not be able to effectively participate in the
discussion/debate in the House owing to the constant fear of
its members being suspended for longer period. There would
be no purposeful or meaningful debates but one in terrorem
and as per the whims of the majority. That would not be
healthy for the democracy as a whole.
49. It is wellestablished that fundamental rights are
guaranteed by Part III of the Constitution, out of which
Articles 14, 19 and 21 are the most frequently invoked to test
the validity of the executive as well as legislative actions when
these actions are subjected to judicial scrutiny. Different
Articles in the Constitution under chapter Fundamental
Rights and the Directive Principles in Part IV ought to be read
as an integral and incorporeal whole with possible
overlapping with the subject matter of what is to be protected
by its various provisions particularly the fundamental rights.
The sweep of Article 21 is expansive enough to govern the
action of dismembering a member from the House of the
Legislative Assembly in the form of expulsion or be it a case of
suspension by directing withdrawal from the meeting of the
Assembly for the remainder of the Session.
50. Be that as it may, it is evident from the impugned
resolution that it has been passed by the majority votes in the
House immediately after it was put to vote by the Chairman.
It was in fact introduced as a motion for initiating action for
having committed contempt of the House which ordinarily
ought to have proceeded under Part XVIII of the Rules dealing
with Privileges. That would have required constitution of a
Committee of Privileges to enquire into the entire matter by
giving opportunity of hearing to the persons concerned.
Instead of adopting that procedure, the House itself chose to
direct withdrawal of the petitioners from the meetings of the
Assembly for a period of one year — which direction is neither
ascribable to the dispensation prescribed in Part XVIII of the
Rules or Rule 53 enabling the Speaker to do so.
51. As aforementioned, it is not a case of procedural
irregularity as such. Whereas, the decision taken by the
House in this case, is one of substantive illegality in directing
suspension beyond the period of remainder of the Session in
which the motion was presented. We say so because, the
period of suspension in excess of the period essential to do so
much less in a graded manner including on principle
underlying Rule 53, would be antithesis to rational or
objective standard approach for ensuring orderly functioning
of the House during the ongoing Session.
52. Reverting to the challenge to the impugned resolution
being grossly irrational. As noticed earlier, Rule 53 provides
for a graded (rational and objective standard) approach. The
timeline as specified in Rule 53 is with a view to address the
immediate concern of the House for ensuring orderly conduct
of the business of the House in the given Session. This action
is implied on the doctrine of necessity. The Speaker and for
that matter, even the House as a whole or by majority, would
be within its power to resort to such a mechanism being
rational measure. Exceeding the stated timeline is a
substantive matter and not a procedural irregularity. It
would raise a basic question as to what purpose would be
served by withdrawing the member from the House for
successive Sessions falling within that period of one year.
Indeed, if the conduct of the member is gross warranting his
removal from the Assembly even beyond the period of sixty
days [Article 190(4)] or six months (Section 151A of the 1951
Act), the House is capable of invoking its inherent power of
expulsion of such a member, which is a greater power.
53. Indubitably, suspension for a day or for the remainder of
the Session, would be of a lesser degree of exercise of that
power. However, it is not open to contend that the higher
degree of power would include power to suspend the member
beyond the period essential to keep him/her away from the
Assembly for ensuring orderly conduct of the business of the
House. As expounded in Amarinder Singh59, the important
59 supra at Footnote No.15 (paras 47 and 66)
consideration for scrutinising the exercise of legislative
privileges is whether the same is necessary to safeguard the
integrity of the legislative functions. This Court had
recognised that the Legislature’s power to punish for its
contempt was not untrammelled. That power of legislative
chamber to punish for its own contempt must coincide with
the Legislature’s interest in protecting the integrity of its
function. In other words, the suspension of a member must
be preferred as a shortterm or a temporary measure for
restoring order in the functioning of the concerned Assembly
Session for completing its scheduled business within time
and by way of disciplinary measure against the incorrigible
54. The word “suspension” is necessarily linked to
attendance of the member in the House. Thus, the
suspension may be resorted to merely for ensuring orderly
conduct of the business of the House during the concerned
Session. Anything in excess of that would be irrational
suspension. This is so because the member represents the
constituency from where he has been duly elected and longer
suspension would entail in deprivation of the constituency to
be represented in the House. It is true that right to vote and
be represented is integral to our democratic process and it is
not an absolute right. Indeed, the constituency cannot have
any right to be represented by a disqualified or expelled
member. However, their representative cannot be kept away
from the House in the guise of suspension beyond the
necessary (rational) period linked to the ongoing Assembly
Session, including the timeline referred to in Article 190(4) of
the Constitution and Section 151A of the 1951 Act.
55. Be that as it may, suspension is essentially a
disciplinary measure. It must follow that suspension for a
period of one year would assume the character of punitive
and punishment worse than expulsion. For, suspension for
long period and beyond the Session has the effect of creating
a de facto vacancy though not a de jure vacancy. The
argument of the State that despite suspension from the
House, the members would continue to discharge all other
functions outside the House as an elected representative.
This plea, in our view, is tenuous. For, the effect of such
suspension is visited not only on the constituency that goes
unrepresented for potentially long and unessential time, but
also on the functioning of the Assembly itself. Apart from a
role in bringing to light the special needs or difficulties of the
constituency, a member also plays a role in various motions,
debates, votes, etc.60. In any case, this plea cannot whittle
down the logic requiring limited action essential for orderly
functioning of the House on the given day or at best, the
Session for completion of its scheduled business for the
relevant Session.
56. Suffice it to observe that oneyear suspension is worse
than “expulsion”, “disqualification” or “resignation” — insofar
as the right of the constituency to be represented before the
House/Assembly is concerned. In that, long suspension is
60 Some of the functions of the elected representative in the House/Assembly (taken from the
Maharashtra Legislative Assembly Rules) would indicate that the member would not be able to
take part in following matters, if suspended:
(a) Moving of a motion which requires decision by the Assembly, including by Division
(Rules 23, 40, 41); (b) Taking part in a debate on a motion including speeches (Rules 33,34);
(c) Asking Questions on Statements made by Ministers (Rule 47); (d) Making of personal
explanations (Rule 48); (e) Questions on matters of public concern from Ministers (Rule 68);
(f) Short Notice questions for immediate reply on questions of urgent nature (Rule 86); (g)
Private member bills (Rule 111); (h) Discussions on matters of sufficient public importance
(Rule 94); (i) No confidence motions (Rule 95); (j) Adjournment motions
(Rule 97); (k) Participation as members of Committees, including the Committee for
consideration of matters of public importance, Business Advisory Committee, Public Accounts
Committee, Committee on Estimates, etc (Part XV of the Rules).
bound to affect the rights harsher than expulsion wherein a
midterm election is held within the specified time in terms of
Section 151A of the 1951 Act, not later than six months.
Thus, the impugned resolution is unreasonable, irrational,
and arbitrary and liable to be set aside.
57. Having said this, we may now turn to two decisions of
the Privy Council referred to and discussed by the
Constitution Bench in Raja Ram Pal61
, in paragraphs 284 to
293. The same reads thus:
“284. Finally, in Barton62 it involved the suspension of a
Member from the Legislative Assembly of New South
Wales. The power of suspension for an indefinite time was
held to be unavailable to the Legislative Assembly as it
was said to have trespassed into the punitive field. The
judgment was delivered by the Earl of Selborne. Referring
to Kielley63 and Doyle64 the Court observed:
“It results from those authorities that no powers of
that kind are incident to or inherent in a Colonial
Legislative Assembly (without express grant), except
‘such as are necessary to the existence of such a body,
and the proper exercise of the functions which it is
intended to execute’.
Powers to suspend toties quoties, sitting after
sitting, in case of repeated offences (and, if may be, till
submission or apology), and also to expel for
aggravated or persistent misconduct, appear to be
sufficient to meet even the extreme case of a Member
whose conduct is habitually obstructive or disorderly.
61 supra at Footnote No.14
62 supra at Footnote No.9
63 Edward Kielley vs. William Carson, (1842) 4 Moore PC 63 : 13 ER 225
64 Thomas William Doyle vs. George Charles Falconer, (186567) LR 1 PC 328 : 36 LJPC 33 :
15 WR 366
To argue that expulsion is the greater power, and
suspension the less, and that the greater must
include all degrees of the less, seems to their
Lordships fallacious. The rights of constituents
ought not, in a question of this kind, to be left out
of sight. Those rights would be much more
seriously interfered with by an unnecessarily
prolonged suspension than by expulsion, after
which a new election would immediately be held.”
(emphasis supplied)
285. The Court went on to examine what is necessary
and found that an indefinite suspension could never be
considered necessary.
286. The learned counsel for the petitioners have relied
on the above distinction and submitted that the limited
power does not envisage expulsion and can only be used
for ex facie contempts.
287. We are not persuaded to subscribe to the
propositions advanced on behalf of the petitioners. Even if
we were to accept this distinction as applicable to the
Indian Parliament, in our opinion, the power to expel
would be available.
288. Firstly, Barton65 which allows only a limited
power to punish for contempt, finds that even though
the Legislative Assembly does not have the power to
indefinitely suspend, as that was punitive in nature,
the Assembly would have the power to expel,
considering expulsion a nonpunitive power. Secondly,
the objection that the limited power could only deal
with ex facie contempt, is not tenable.
289. In the above context, reference may be made
to Harnett v. Crick66. This case involved the suspension
of a Member of the Legislative Assembly of New South
Wales until the verdict of the jury in the pending criminal
trial against the Member had been delivered. The
65 supra at Footnote No.9
66 Lawrence Joseph Harnett vs. William Patrick Crick, 1908 AC 470 : 78 LJPC 38 : 99 LT 601
suspension was challenged. When the matter came up
before the Privy Council, the respondents argued that:
“The Legislative Assembly had no inherent power to
pass [the Standing Order]. Its inherent powers were
limited to protective and defensive measures necessary
for the proper exercise of its functions and the conduct
of its business. They did not extend to punitive
measures in the absence of express statutory power in
that behalf, but only to protective measures. … The
fact that a criminal charge is pending against the
respondent does not affect or obstruct the course of
business in the Chamber or relate to its orderly
290. This argument was rejected and the House of Lords
allowed the appeal. Lord MacNaghten, delivering the
judgment, initially observed that:
“… no one would probably contend that the orderly
conduct of the Assembly would be disturbed or
affected by the mere fact that a criminal charge is
pending against a Member of the House.” (475)
291. But he found that certain peculiar circumstances of
the case deserved to be given weight. The Court went on
to hold thus:
“If the House itself has taken the less favourable
view of the plaintiff's attitude [an insult and challenge
to the House], and has judged that the occasion
justified temporary suspension, not by way of
punishment, but in selfdefence, it seems impossible for
the Court to declare that the House was so wrong in its
judgment, and the Standing Order and the resolution
founded upon it so foreign to the purpose
contemplated by the Act, that the proceedings must be
declared invalid.”(476)
(emphasis supplied)
292. The above case thus establishes that even if the
House of legislature has limited powers, such power is
not only restricted to ex facie contempts, but even
acts committed outside the House. It is open to the
Assembly to use its power for “protective” purposes,
and the acts that it can act upon are not only those
that are committed in the House, but upon anything
that lowers the dignity of the House. Thus, the
petitioners' submission that House only has the power to
remove obstructions during its proceedings cannot be
293. It is axiomatic to state that expulsion is always in
respect of a Member. At the same time, it needs to be
borne in mind that a Member is part of the House due to
which his or her conduct always has a direct bearing
upon the perception of the House. Any legislative body
must act through its Members and the connection
between the conduct of the Members and the perception
of the House is strong. We, therefore, conclude that
even if Parliament had only the limited remedial
power to punish for contempt, the power to expel
would be well within the limits of such remedial
contempt power.”
(emphasis supplied in bolds)
The two decisions of the Privy Council (Barton67 and Lawrence
Joseph Harnett68) were pressed into service in that case to answer
the plea that the Legislature has inherent limited remedial power to
punish for contempt by way of suspension of its member and
cannot resort to expulsion of the member. The Constitution Bench
noticed that even these two decisions of the Privy Council,
recognised inherent power of the Legislature to expel its member
and, thus, negatived the plea of the petitioner in that regard. This
Court after analysing the said decisions concluded that the
Legislatures established in India by the Constitution, including
67 supra at Footnote No.9
68 supra at Footnote No.66
Parliament under Article 105(3), need not be denied the claim to
the power of expulsion arising out of remedial power of contempt.
58. What emerges from the stated conclusion is that the
Constitution Bench declared that the inherent power of the
Legislature is not absolute, but limited remedial power to
punish for contempt and to take such measures as are
necessary for orderly functioning of the proceedings of the
59. The case of Barton69 has been noticed in paragraph
284, which in turn had dealt with suspension of the member
from the Legislative Assembly of the New South Wales. In
that case, the resolution passed by the House did not mention
about the time frame of suspension of the member. That was
challenged by the aggrieved member being irrational and
unnecessary. That plea was considered by the Privy Council
keeping in mind its earlier decisions in Edward Kielley70 and
Thomas William Doyle71. (These decisions have been
adverted to in paragraph 283 by the Constitution Bench as
69 supra at Footnote No.9
70 supra at Footnote No.63
71 supra at Footnote No.64
well). After noticing these decisions, the Privy Council in
Barton72 noted that those authorities had dealt with situation
that no powers of that kind are incident to or inherent in a
Colonial Legislative Assembly (without express grant), except
such as are necessary to the existence of such a body, and
the proper exercise of the functions which it is intended to
60. It must follow that in absence of any express provision
bestowing power in the Legislature to suspend its member(s)
beyond the term of the ongoing Session, the inherent power of
the Legislature can be invoked only to the extent necessary
and for proper exercise of the functions of the House at the
relevant point of time. No more. For that purpose, it could
resort to protective and selfdefensive powers alone and not
punitive at all. This logic is reinforced from the dictum in
Barton73 wherein the Privy Council noted as follows:
“…“If a member of a Colonial House of Assembly is guilty
of disorderly conduct in the House while sitting, he may
be removed or excluded for a time, or even expelled ….
The right to remove for selfsecurity is one thing, the right
to inflict punishment is another …. If the good sense and
72 supra at Footnote No.9
73 supra at Footnote No.9
conduct of the members of Colonial Legislatures prove
insufficient to secure order and decency of debate, the law
would sanction the use of that degree of force which
might be necessary to remove the person excluded from
the place of meeting, and to keep him excluded.””74
61. The Privy Council in the same decision then proceeded
to observe as follows:
“… The principle on which the implied power is given
confines it within the limits of what is required by the
assumed necessity. That necessity appears to their
Lordships to extend as far as the whole duration of
the particular meeting or sitting of the Assembly in
the course of which the offence may have been
committed. It seems to be reasonably necessary that
some substantial interval should be interposed
between the suspensory resolution and the
resumption of his place in the Assembly by the
offender, in order to give opportunity for the
subsidence of heat and passion, and for reflection on
his own conduct by the person suspended; nor would
anything less be generally sufficient for the
vindication of the authority and dignity of the
Assembly. …”
(emphasis supplied)
These observations are significant and apposite in the context of
the issue under consideration. And we must lean in favour of
adopting the same. Inasmuch as this exposition recognises the
fact that implied or inherent power of the Legislature must be
reckoned to the extent only to what is required to be done by the
House for effective and orderly functioning of its business during
74 1 L.R, P.C. 340
the ongoing Session and not beyond. This is more emphatically
expounded by the Privy Council in the following words:
“The power, therefore, of suspending a member guilty of
obstruction or disorderly conduct during the continuance
of any current sitting, is, in their Lordships' judgment,
reasonably necessary for the proper exercise of the
functions of any Legislative Assembly of this kind; and it
may very well be, that the same doctrine of reasonable
necessity would authorize a suspension until submission
or apology by the offending member; which, if he were
refractory, might cause it to be prolonged (not by the
arbitrary discretion of the Assembly, but by his own wilful
default) for some further time. …”
Again, it went on to observe as follows:
“… If these are the limits of the inherent or implied power,
reasonably deducible from the principle of general
necessity, they have the advantage of drawing a simple
practical line between defensive and punitive action on
the part of the Assembly. A power of unconditional
suspension, for an indefinite time, or for a definite
time depending only on the irresponsible discretion of
the Assembly itself, is more than the necessity of selfdefence seems to require, and is dangerously liable, in
possible cases, to excess or abuse. …”
(emphasis supplied)
62. The essence of the analysis done in Barton75 is about
the logic and rationality behind the need to suspend a
member. It unambiguously held that the same be regarded
as temporary by way of selfprotective mechanism of the
Legislature to ensure orderly conduct of its business in the
House during the sitting. For that very reason, Rule 53
75 supra at Footnote No.9
provides for a graded corrective action, namely, on the first
occasion, the Speaker may suspend the member for the
remainder of the day and if the misbehaviour is repeated in
the same Session — for the remainder of the Session. The
observations in Barton76 would reinforce this logic of need to
adhere to a graded approach, which reads thus:
“ …“Suspension” must be temporary; the words,
“suspended from the service of the House,” may be
satisfied by referring them to the attendance of the
member in the House during that particular sitting. So
much as this is necessary to make the suspension
effective, more is not. …”
(emphasis supplied)
63. In light of this decision, it must follow that only a graded
approach is the essence of a rational and logical approach;
and only such action of the Legislature which is necessary for
orderly conduct of its scheduled business of the ongoing
Session can be regarded as rational approach. Suspension
beyond the Session would be bordering on punishing not only
the member concerned, but also inevitably impact the
legitimate rights of the constituency from where the member
had been elected.
76 supra at Footnote No.9
64. In the case of Lawrence Joseph Harnett77
, the question
was about the challenge to the Standing Order which
provided as follows:
“Whenever it shall have been ruled or decided (whether
before or after the approval of this Standing Order) that
the House may not proceed on a matter which has been
initiated in the House affecting the alleged misconduct of
a Member, because thereby the said member may be
prejudiced in a criminal trial then pending on charges
founded on such misconduct, the House may suspend
such member from the service of the House until the
verdict of the jury has been returned, or until it is further
This Standing Order was approved by the Governor. In that
context, the Privy Council observed that it seems impossible for the
Court to declare that the House was so wrong in its judgment, and
the Standing Order and the resolution founded upon it so foreign
to the purpose contemplated by the Act, so as to declare the
proceedings against the member invalid. In other words, the Privy
Council was considering a written Standing Order and its efficacy.
65. In the present case, the House has already adopted the
Rules for conduct of its business and Rule 53 of the Rules
expressly provides for the mechanism regarding suspension of
its member. Indubitably, the source of powers and privileges
77 supra at Footnote No.66
of Legislatures in India is derived from Article 105(3) in case
of Parliament and Article 194(3) concerning the State
Legislature. In absence of a law to define such powers and
privileges, as of now, it can only exercise those powers as
existed in the House of Commons of the Parliament of United
Kingdom at the commencement of the Constitution.
66. In the celebrated treatise of Sir Thomas Erskine May78
dealing with the Parliamentary privileges, it is noted as
“if for a subsequent occasion, in default of an order by the
House that the suspension of the member shall terminate
when the House orders that it shall do so, the
suspension shall be for the remainder of the Session.”
(emphasis supplied)
He then noted that the first or subsequent occasion would mean
the first or the subsequent occasion in the same session.
67. Further, the position as obtained in United Kingdom at
the relevant time to suspend its members was governed by
the House of Commons Standing Order Relative to Public
78 The Law, Privileges Proceedings and Usage of Parliament, Fifteenth (1950) Edition (See
Chapter VII under the heading “Proceedings upon the naming of a Member” at pages 451
Business 1948. The relevant Standing Order is No. 22 (1 to 4)
as reproduced hereunder:
“22. Order in debate.— (1) Whenever a Member shall have
been named by Mr. Speaker or by the chairman,
immediately after the commission of the offence of
disregarding the authority of the chair, or of persistently
and willfully obstructing the business of the House by
abusing the rules of the House, or otherwise, then, if the
offence has been committed by such Member in the
House, Mr. Speaker shall forthwith put the question, on a
motion being made, no amendment, adjournment, or
debate being allowed, “That such Member be suspended
from the service of the House”; and if the offence has been
committed in a committee of the whole House, the
chairman shall forthwith suspend the proceedings of the
committee and report the circumstances to the House;
and Mr. Speaker shall on a motion being made forthwith
put the same question, no amendment, adjournment, or
debate being allowed, as if the offence had been
committed in the House itself.
(2) If any member be suspended under this order, his
suspension on the first occasion shall continue until the
fifth day, and on the second occasion until the twentieth
day, on which the House shall sit after the day on which
he was suspended, but on any subsequent occasion until
the House shall resolve that the suspension of such
Member do terminate.
(3) Not more than one Member shall be named at the
same time, unless two or more members, present
together, have jointly disregarded the authority of the
(4) If a Member, or two or more Members acting jointly,
who have been suspended under this order from the
service of the House, shall refuse to obey the direction of
Mr. Speaker, when severally summoned under Mr.
Speaker’s orders by the Serjeant at Arms to obey such
direction, Mr. Speaker shall call the attention of the
House to the fact that recourse to force is necessary in
order to compel obedience to his direction, and the
Member or Members named by him as having refused to
obey his direction shall thereupon and without any
further question being put be suspended from the service
of the House during the remainder of the session.”
On conjoint reading of subclause (2) and (4) of the abovecited
Standing Order No. 22, it is seen that suspension of a member on
the first occasion can be for a period of five days or the remainder
of the session whichever is earlier. Even for the second occasion
the period of suspension is only twenty days or remainder of the
Session, whichever is earlier. On any subsequent occasion the
period of suspension shall be until the House shall resolve that the
suspension of such member do terminate.
68. The Orissa High Court in Sushanta Kumar Chand79
had occasion to deal with a case of warrant issued by the
Speaker of the Assembly to detain the contemnor for seven
days’ simple imprisonment. It was urged that as the
unexpired period of sentence was beyond the term of the
Session of the House, the same had lapsed in law. The High
Court answered the challenge in favour of the petitioners after
noticing passage from Sir Thomas Erskine May and
Halsbury’s Laws of England. The Sir Thomas Erskine May’s
79 supra at Footnote No.10
Parliamentary Practice relied upon in that decision, expounds
“Persons committed by the Commons, if not sooner
discharged by the House, are immediately released from
their confinement on a prorogation, whether they have
paid the fees or not. If they were held longer in custody,
they would be discharged by the Courts upon a writ of
habeas corpus.”
And Halsbury’s Law of England relied upon in the same decision
observes thus:
“The Lords claim to have power to commit an offender for
a specified period even beyond the period of a session.
This course was also formerly pursued by the Commons
but was later abandoned; and it would now seem that
they no longer have power to keep offenders in prison
beyond the period of session……………”
(emphasis supplied)
The rationale for limiting all remedies for breach of privilege, as a
rule, to a Session in which the House takes action for such breach
is the effect of prorogation. According to Erskine May’s Treatise80, it
is stated as under:
“The effect of a prorogation is at once to suspend all
business until Parliament shall be summoned again.
Not only are the sittings of Parliament at an end, but
all proceedings pending at the time are quashed,
except impeachments by the Commons, and appeals
before the House of Lords. Every bill must therefore be
renewed after a prorogation, as if it had never been
(emphasis supplied)
80 1950 Edition at page 32 under the heading “Effect of a Prorogation”
69. A priori, if the Legislature intended to depart from
mechanism predicated in Rule 53, it ought to have expressly
provided for that dispensation. If it had done that by a law or
in the form of Rules framed under Article 208 of the
Constitution, the legality and constitutionality thereof could
have been tested. Suffice it to note, in absence thereof, it
would inevitably be exercise of power without an express
grant in that regard. In such a case, the exercise of power
can only be implied or inherent and limited to the logic of
general necessity by way of selfprotective or selfdefensive
action reasonably necessary for proper exercise of the
functions of the House during the ongoing Session. Anything
in excess then for a day or the remainder of the ongoing
Session, would not be necessary much less rational exercise
of inherent power of the Assembly. Even, Rule 53 bestows
authority in the Speaker to take action against the member
only for ensuring orderly functioning of the House. Same
logic must apply to the exercise of inherent limited power by
the House, even if it may not be de facto under Rule 53.
70. Be it noted, had it been a case of expulsion of the
member by the House in terms of Section 151A of the 1951
Act, the Election Commission would move into action and
rather be obliged to take steps not later than six months to fill
in the vacancy so caused subject to the situation referred to
in the proviso therein — so that the constituency could be
duly represented in the House at the earliest opportunity.
Concededly, the Legislative Assembly is a conglomeration of
members chosen by direct election from the territorial
constituencies in the State (as per Article 170). That
presupposes that all territorial constituencies must be duly
represented in the Assembly in continuum. In any case, their
representation cannot be deprived for longer period than
necessary for the orderly functioning of the House during the
Session. For that reason, the statutory mandate postulated
vide Parliamentary law81 (which must be regarded as higher
law and acts as a limitation upon the Legislature as well, as
expounded in SubCommittee on Judicial
81 Section 151A of the 1951 Act
Accountability82), the constituency cannot be denied
representation in the House beyond a limited period due to
fortuitous situation. Moreover, the expelled member would be
free to contest the midterm election and get reelected from
the same constituency. In that, the member does not incur
any disqualification due to expulsion or even removal by the
House. In case of suspension beyond the period of remainder
of the Session or sixty days or six months, as the case may
be, even though is not a case of disqualification incurred by
the member, it would entail in undue deprivation of the
constituency to be represented in the House by their duly
elected representative. It is, therefore, a drastic measure
trenching upon imposing penalty more than disciplinary or
corrective measure, beyond the limited inherent powers of the
71. Learned counsel for the respondents had invited our
attention to the judgments of the Gujarat High Court wherein
it had been held that the rules framed under Article 208 of
the Constitution are neither statutory nor binding on the
82 supra at Footnote No.33 (para 61)
Legislative Assembly. Those decisions have not taken note of
the efficacy of the observations made by the Constitution
Bench of this Court in M.S.M. Sharma83 as back as in 1959
— that the rules framed under Article 208 of the Constitution
would have the effect of procedure established by law for the
purpose of Article 21 of the Constitution and which dictum
has been consistently followed in subsequent decisions
including by the Constitution Bench which dealt with the
case of Raja Ram Pal84
. Accordingly, the decisions pressed
into service by the respondents cannot take the matter any
further. The respondents have relied upon other decisions
including of this Court which, however, has had no occasion
to deal with the legality and efficacy of direction or order
issued by the House such as vide impugned resolution of
suspending duly elected members for a period of one year
instead of maximum period of remainder of the same Session.
Indeed, the decision of Madras High Court in V.C. Chandhira
Kumar, Member of Legislative Assembly85 held the
83 supra at Footnote No.11
84 supra at Footnote No.14
85 supra at Footnote No.23
resolution of the Assembly reducing the original period of one
year to six months as valid, however, for the view that we
have taken, the said decision will be of no avail.
72. Resultantly, we have no hesitation in concluding that
the impugned resolution suffers from the vice of being
unconstitutional, grossly illegal and irrational to the extent of
period of suspension beyond the remainder of the concerned
(ongoing) Session. Further, it is not a case of mere procedural
irregularity committed by the Legislature within the meaning
of Article 212(1) of the Constitution.
73. Although learned counsel appearing for the parties had
raised diverse contentions, we need not dilate further having
opined that in exercise of inherent power of the House, the
suspension of the members could not have, in any case,
exceeded the remainder period of the ongoing Session. The
concerned Session having concluded long back in July 2021,
the petitions ought to succeed and could be disposed of with a
declaration that suspension beyond the remainder of the
ongoing Session in which the resolution was passed, is
nullity, unconstitutional and grossly illegal and irrational.
The same cannot be given effect to beyond the remainder
period of the concerned Session and must be regarded as non
est in the eyes of law beyond that period. For that reason, it
is unnecessary for us to dilate on other aspects of the matter.
Thus, we do not wish to examine the same.
74. It is unnecessary to underscore that Parliament as well
as the State Legislative Assembly are regarded as sacred
places, just as the Judicature as temple of justice. As a
matter of fact, the first place where justice is dispensed to the
common man is Parliament/Legislative Assembly albeit by a
democratic process. It is a place where policies and laws are
propounded for governing the citizenry. It is here that the
entire range of activities concerning the masses until the last
mile, are discussed and their destinies are shaped. That, in
itself, is the process of dispensing justice to the citizens of
this country. These are places where robust and
dispassionate debates and discussion inspired by the highest
traditions of truth and righteousness ought to take place for
resolving the burning issues confronting the nation/State and
for dispensing justice — political, social and economic. The
happenings in the House is reflection of the contemporary
societal fabric. The behavioural pattern of the society is
manifested or mirrored in the thought process and actions of
the members of the House during the debates. It is in public
domain (through print, electronic and social media) that the
members of the Parliament or Assembly/Council of the State,
spend much of the time in a hostile atmosphere. The
Parliament/Legislative Assembly are becoming more and
more intransigent place. The philosophical tenet, one must
agree to disagree is becoming a seldom scene or a rarity
during the debates. It has become common to hear that the
House could not complete its usual scheduled business and
most of the time had been spent in jeering and personal
attacks against each other instead of erudite constructive and
educative debates consistent with the highest tradition of the
august body. This is the popular sentiment gaining ground
amongst the common man. It is disheartening for the
observers. They earnestly feel that it is high time that
corrective steps are taken by all concerned and the elected
representatives would do enough to restore the glory and the
standard of intellectual debates of the highest order, as have
been chronicled of their predecessors. That legacy should
become more prominent than the rumpus caused very often.
Aggression during the debates has no place in the setting of
country governed by the Rule of Law. Even a complex issue
needs to be resolved in a congenial atmosphere by observing
collegiality and showing full respect and deference towards
each other. They ought to ensure optimum utilisation of
quality time of the House, which is very precious, and is the
need of the hour especially when we the people of India that is
Bharat, take credit of being the oldest civilisation on the
planet and also being the world’s largest democracy
(demographically). For becoming world leaders and selfdependant/reliant, quality of debates in the House ought to
be of the highest order and directed towards intrinsic
constitutional and native issues confronting the common man
of the nation/States, who are at the crossroad of semi
sesquicentennial or may we say platinum or diamond jubilee
year on completion of 75 years postindependence. Being
House of respected and honourable members, who are
emulated by their ardent followers and elected from their
respective constituency, they are expected to show
statesmanship and not brinkmanship. In the House, their
goal is and must be one — so as to ensure the welfare and
happiness of we the people of this nation. In any case, there
can be no place for disorderly conduct in the House much
less “grossly disorderly”. Such conduct must be dealt with
sternly for ensuring orderly functioning of the House. But,
that action must be constitutional, legal, rational and as per
the procedure established by law. This case has thrown up
an occasion for all concerned to ponder over the need to
evolve and adhere to good practices befitting the august body;
and appropriately denounce and discourage proponents of
undemocratic activities in the House, by democratically
elected representatives. We say no more.
75. In conclusion, we have no hesitation in allowing these
writ petitions and to declare that the impugned resolution
directing suspension of the petitioners beyond the period of
the remainder of the concerned Monsoon Session held in July
2021 is non est in the eyes of law, nullity, unconstitutional,
substantively illegal and irrational. The impugned
resolution is, thus, declared to be
ineffective in law, insofar as the period beyond the remainder
of the stated Session in which the resolution came to be
76. As a result of the stated declaration, the petitioners are
entitled for all consequential benefits of being members of the
Legislative Assembly, on and after the expiry of the period of
the remainder of the concerned Session in July 2021. The
writ petitions are allowed in the above terms. No order as to
77. While parting, we need to express a word of appreciation
for the able assistance given by the learned counsel appearing
for the concerned parties enabling us to deal with the complex
issues on hand. That they did despite the handicaps and
uncertainty of online interaction in virtual Court hearing.
Pending application(s), if any, stands disposed of.
(A.M. Khanwilkar)
(Dinesh Maheshwari)
(C.T. Ravikumar)
New Delhi;
January 28, 2022.
Landmark Cases of India / सुप्रीम कोर्ट के ऐतिहासिक फैसले
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