Election Commission of India vs St. Mary's School

 Election Commission of India vs St. Mary's School - Important Supreme Court Case 2007

On 6th December, 2007, a two Judges Bench in Election Commission of India vs St. Mary's School and Others [Civil Appeal No.5659 of 2007] while examining the action of appellant and the State agencies in utilizing the services of Government school teachers for non-educational purposes such as polling duties etc. during school hours, observed that "holding of an election is no doubt of paramount importance", but "for the said purpose the education of the children cannot be neglected."

The Bench directed "that all teaching staff" "be put on the duties of roll revisions and election works on holidays and non-teaching days".

"Teachers should not ordinarily be put on duty on teaching days and within teaching hours. Nonteaching staff, however, may be put on such duties on any day or at any time, if permissible in law", the Bench said.

Landmark Cases of India / सुप्रीम कोर्ट के ऐतिहासिक फैसले


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