Pradeep Kumar Verma vs State of Bihar - Supreme Court Case

 Pradeep Kumar Verma vs State of Bihar - Supreme Court Case Important Judgments -

On 17th August, 2007, a two Judges Bench in Pradeep Kumar @ Pradeep Kumar Verma vs State of Bihar and Anr [Criminal Appeal No.1086 of 2007] while reiterating that a promise to marry without anything more will not give rise to “misconception of fact” within the meaning of Section 90, IPC” however clarified “that a representation deliberately made by the accused with a view to elicit the assent of the victim without having the intention or inclination to marry her, will vitiate the consent.”

The Bench said that “if on the facts it is established that at the very inception of the making of promise, the accused did not really entertain the intention of marrying her and the promise to marry held out by him was a mere hoax, the consent ostensibly given by the victim will be of no avail to the accused to exculpate him from the ambit of Section 375 clause second”.

Landmark Cases of India / सुप्रीम कोर्ट के ऐतिहासिक फैसले


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