Girja Prasad Vs State of Madhya Pradesh - Supreme Court Case

 Girja Prasad Vs State of Madhya Pradesh - Supreme Court Case Important Judgments -

On 27th August, 2007, a two Judges Bench in Girja Prasad (Dead) By Lrs Vs State of Madhya Pradesh [Criminal Appeal No.885 of 2002] held that once it is proved that the accused-public servant accepted money by way of illegal gratification “he cannot escape from criminal liability on a specious ground that he was made ‘scapegoat’ or was merely ‘innocent carrier’. The Bench said that “once the finding was recorded by the Trial Court that the accused had accepted the amount, it was wholly immaterial whether the said acceptance of amount was for him or for someone else.”

Landmark Cases of India / सुप्रीम कोर्ट के ऐतिहासिक फैसले


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