Ajay Singh vs State of Maharashtra - Supreme Court Case

 Ajay Singh vs State of Maharashtra - Supreme Court Case Summary of Leading Case -

On 6th June, 2007, a two Judges Bench in Ajay Singh vs State of Maharashtra [Criminal Appeal No.829 of 2007] held that “while dealing with a stand of extra judicial confession, Court has to satisfy that the same was voluntary and without any coercion and undue influence. Extra judicial confession can form the basis of conviction if persons before whom it is stated to be made appear to be unbiased and not even remotely inimical to the accused. Where there is material to show animosity, Court has to proceed cautiously.”

“Human mind is not a tape recorder which records what has been spoken word by word. The witness should be able to say as nearly as possible actual words spoken by the accused. That would rule out possibility of erroneous interpretation of any ambiguous statement. If word by word repetition of statement of the case is insisted upon, more often than not evidentiary value of extra judicial confession has to be thrown out as unreliable and not useful. That cannot be a requirement in law”, the Bench said.

The Bench further held that “it is for the Court to judge credibility of the witness’s capacity and thereafter to decide whether his or her evidence has to be accepted or not. If Court believes witnesses before whom confession is made and is satisfied confession was voluntary basing on such evidence, conviction can be founded. Such confession should be clear, specific and unambiguous.”

Landmark Cases of India / सुप्रीम कोर्ट के ऐतिहासिक फैसले


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