Section 456 IPC in Hindi and English

 Section 456 IPC in Hindi and English

Section 456 of IPC 1860:- Punishment for lurking house-trespass or house-breaking by night -

Whoever commits lurking house-trespass by night, or house-breaking by night, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years, and shall also be liable to fine.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Case Law Related to Section 456 of Indian Penal Code 1860:

State Of Maharsthra vs Ahmed Shaikh Babajan & Ors on 24 October, 2008

Altab Gharami @ Atlab Sk vs The State Of West Bengal on 27 July, 2017

Nevada Properties Pvt. Ltd.  vs The State Of Maharashtra on 24 September, 2019

Chandra Prakash vs State Of Rajasthan on 9 May, 1947

Chandra Prakash vs State Of Rajasthan on 9 May, 2014

Govind vs State Of Madhya Pradesh & Anr on 18 March, 1975

Gobind vs State Of Madhya Pradesh And Anr. on 18 March, 1975

Securities And Exchange Board Of vs Classic Credit Ltd. on 21 August, 2017

Harbhajan Singh & Anr vs State Of Punjab & Anr on 29 July, 2009

State Of Bihar vs Kamla Prasad Singh And Ors on 6 May, 1998

आईपीसी, 1860 (भारतीय दंड संहिता) की धारा 456 का विवरण - रात्रौ प्रच्छन्न गृह-अतिचार या रात्रौ गृह-भेदन के लिए दण्ड -

जो कोई रात्रौ प्रच्छन्न गृहअतिचार या रात्रौ गृह-भेदन करेगा, वह दोनों में से किसी भांति के कारावास से, जिसकी अवधि तीन वर्ष तक की हो सकेगी, दंडित किया जाएगा और जुर्माने से भी दण्डनीय होगा।

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