Section 55 Biological Diversity Act, 2002


Section 55 Biological Diversity Act, 2002: 


(1) Whoever contravenes or attempts to contravene or abets the contravention of the provisions of section 3 or section 4 or section 6 shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to five years, or with fine which may extend to ten lakh rupees and where the damage caused exceeds ten lakh rupees such fine may commensurate with the damage caused, or with both.

(2) Whoever contravenes or attempts to contravene or abets the contravention of the provisions of section 7 or any order made under sub-section (2) of section 24 shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years, or with fine which may extend to five lakh rupees, or with both.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section 55 Biological Diversity Act, 2002:  

The University Of Agriculture vs State Of Karnataka on 11 October, 2013

Dr. S.A. Patil vs State Of Karnataka on 11 October, 2013

Balmurugan vs The State Of Madhya Pradesh on 22 June, 2020

Salik vs State Of U.P. on 6 August, 2021

Vivek Goyal vs The State Of Madhya Pradesh Thr on 17 April, 2018

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