Section 8 Press And Registration Of Books Act, 1867


Section 8 Press And Registration Of Books Act, 1867: 

New declaration by persons who have signed a declaration and subsequently ceased to be printers or publishers.— 37 [If any person has subscribed to any declaration in respect of a newspaper under section 5 and the declaration has been authenticated by a Magistrate under section 6 and subsequently that person ceases to be the printer or publisher of the newspaper mentioned in such declaration, he shall appear before any District, Presidency or Sub-divisional Magistrate, and make and subscribe in duplicate the following declaration:— “I, A.B., declare that I have ceased to be the printer or publisher or printer and publisher of the newspaper entitled—”.] Authentication and filing.—Each original of the latter declaration shall be authenticated by the signature and seal of the Magistrate before whom the said latter declaration shall have been made, and one original of the said latter declaration shall be filed along with each original of the former declaration. Inspection and supply of copies.—The Officer-in-charge of each original of the latter declaration shall allow any person applying to inspect that original on payment of a fee of one rupee, and shall give to any person applying a copy of the said latter declaration, attested by the seal of the Court having custody of the original, on payment of a fee of two rupees. Putting copy in evidence.—In all trials in which a copy, attested as is aforesaid, of the former declaration shall have been put in evidence, it shall be lawful to put in evidence a copy, attested as is aforesaid, of the latter declaration, and the former declaration shall not be taken to be evidence that the declarant was, at any period subsequent to the date of the latter declaration, printer or publisher of the 38 [newspaper] therein mentioned. 39 [A copy of the latter declaration attested by the official seal of the Magistrate shall be forwarded to the Press Registrar.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section 8  Press And Registration Of Books Act, 1867:  

The Institute Of Chartered  vs Union Of India (Uoi) And Ors. on 5 August, 2005

Delhi High Court 

G.Sasirekha vs The Registrar Of Newspapers on 21 January, 2020

Madras High Court 

The State vs Dina Nath And Ors. on 6 October, 1955

Punjab-Haryana High 

Shantilal Vadilal Shah And Anr. vs State Of Bombay on 25 March, 1954

Bombay High Court 

Shantilal Vadilal Shah And Anr. vs State Of Bombay on 25 March, 1954

Bombay High Court 

Smt. Parisaboina Ushasree vs The State Of Telangana on 28 June, 2018

Telangana High Court 

Db Corp Ltd. vs Registrar Of Newspapers For India on 7 September, 2010

Delhi High Court 

Special Civil Application No. vs Para 15 - It Was Said On Behalf Of The on 23 May, 2003

Gujarat High Court 

Jayanta Baruah & Anr vs Dilip Baruah on 14 February, 2014

Gauhati High Court

Times Publishing House 

To download this dhara / Section of  Actuaries Act 2006 in pdf format use chrome web browser and use keys [Ctrl + P] and save as pdf.


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