Section 10 Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006


Section 10 Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006: 

Punishment for solemnising a child marriage.-Whoever performs, conducts or directs or abets any child marriage shall be punishable with rigorous imprisonment which may extend to two years and shall be liable to fine which may extend to one lakh rupees unless he proves that he had reasons to believe that the marriage was not a child marriage.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section 10 Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006:  

C.Arumugam vs Mahalakshmi

Madras High Court

N.Rasu @ Velayutham (A3) vs State Rep By Inspector Of Police on 14 December, 2016

Madras High Court 

Ravi Yadav vs State Of Haryana And Anr on 25 January, 2019

Punjab-Haryana High Court 

Govardhan Ranglal Vyas vs State Of Maharashtra Thr. Pso Ram  on 19 December, 2018

Bombay High Court 

Sau. Asha W/O. Baburao Upadhyaya vs State Of Maharashtra Thr. P.S.O on 19 December, 2018

Bombay High Court 

Rameshwarlal Heamram Jat vs The State Of Maharashtra Thr on 19 December, 2018

Bombay High Court 

Vimalbai Manohar Doballiwar (In  vs The State Of Maharashtra Thr. Its on 19 December, 2018

Bombay High Court 

Saroj Manikchand Sharma And  vs The State Of Maharashtra Thr on 19 December, 2018

Bombay High Court 

Girish @ Giriraj vs State By Ajjampura Police Station on 24 August, 2020

Karnataka High Court 

Vijaya vs State Of Karnataka on 17 July, 2020

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