Section 138 Railways Act, 1989


Section 138 Railways Act, 1989: 

Levy of excess charge and fare for travelling without proper pass or ticket or beyond authorised distance.—

(1) If any passenger,—

(a) being in or having alighted from a train, fails or refuses to present for examination or to deliver up his pass or ticket immediately on a demand being made therefor under section 54, or

(b) travels in a train in contravention of the provisions of section 55, he shall be liable to pay, on the demand of any railway servant authorised in this behalf, the excess charge mentioned in sub-section (3) in addition to the ordinary single fare for the distance which he has travelled or, where there is any doubt as to the station from which he started, the ordinary single fare from the station from which the train originally started, or, if the tickets of passengers travelling in the train have been examined since the original starting of the train, the ordinary single fare from the place where the tickets were so examined or in the case of their having been examined more than once, were last examined.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section 138 Railways Act, 1989:  

Sri S.K. Sarma vs Mahesh Kumar Verma on 17 September, 2002

Union Of India And Anr vs B. N. Prasad on 9 December, 1977

Nanik Awatrai Chainani vs Union Of India on 20 July, 1970

To download this dhara / Section of  Actuaries Act 2006 in pdf format use chrome web browser and use keys [Ctrl + P] and save as pdf.


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