Section 149 Railways Act, 1989


Section 149 Railways Act, 1989: 

Making a false claim for compensation.—If any person requiring compensation from a railway administration for loss, destruction, damage, deterioration or non-delivery of any consignment makes a claim which is false or which he knows or believes to be false or does not believe to be true, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years, or with fine, or with both.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section 149 Railways Act, 1989:  

In Re: Thaikkottathil Kunhaeen  vs Unknown on 2 August, 1923

Madras High Court 

In Re: Vasudeva Mudali And Ors. vs Unknown on 11 March, 1929

Madras High Court 

Union Of India (Uoi) And Anr. vs Rameshwar Prasad on 9 March, 1982

Madhya Pradesh High Court 

Governor General Of India In  vs The Jubilee Mills Ltd. on 5 February, 1952

Bombay High Court 

Salim Mohmad And Anr. vs The State Of Gujarat on 18 December, 1971

Gujarat High Court 

C. Kunhammad And Ors. vs Emperor on 7 August, 1923

Madras High Court 

Sikander Singh vs Union Of India on 22 September, 2009

Punjab-Haryana High Court 

Man Singh S/O Sri Ram Lakhan vs State Of U.P. Through Secretary  on 27 January, 2006

Allahabad High Court 

Smt. Sushma Singh & Ors vs Ram Shiromani Tiwari & Ors on 22 September, 2015

Madhya Pradesh High Court 

Nishar Ahmad And 4 Others vs Union Of India Thur. Sec. And 4 on 27 March, 2015

Allahabad High Court 

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