Section 40 Actuaries Act 2006


Section 40 Actuaries Act 2006: 

Unqualified person not to sign documents.—

(1) No person other than a fellow member of the Institute shall sign any document on behalf of an Actuary in practice or a firm of such Actuaries in his or its professional capacity.

(2) Any person contravening the provisions of sub-section (1) shall, without prejudice to any other proceedings which may be taken against him, be punishable on first conviction with fine which may extend to fifty thousand rupees, and on any subsequent conviction with imprisonment which may extend to one year, or with fine which may extend to one lakh rupees, or with both.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section 40 Actuaries Act 2006:  Not Yet  Available

To download this dhara / Section of  Actuaries Act 2006 in pdf format use chrome web browser and use keys [Ctrl + P] and save as pdf.


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