Section 14 Foreigners Act, 1946

Section 14 Foreigners Act, 1946: 

Penalty for contravention of provisions of the Act, etc.—Whoever—

(a) remains in any area in India for a period exceeding the period for which the visa was issued to him; tc" (a) remains in any area in India for a period exceeding the period for which the visa was issued to him;"

(b) does any act in violation of the conditions of the valid visa issued to him for his entry and stay in India or any part thereunder; tc" (b) does any act in violation of the conditions of the valid visa issued to him for his entry and stay in India or any part thereunder;"

(c) contravenes the provisions of this Act or of any order made thereunder or any direction given in pursuance of this Act or such order for which no specific punishment is provided under this Act, tc" (c) contravenes the provisions of this Act or of any order made thereunder or any direction given in pursuance of this Act or such order for which no specific punishment is provided under this Act," shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to five years and shall also be liable to fine; and if he has entered into a bond in pursuance of clause (f) of sub-section (2) of section 3, his bond shall be forfeited, and any person bound thereby shall pay the penalty thereof or show cause to the satisfaction of the convicting Court why such penalty should not be paid by him. Explanation.—For the purposes of this section, the expression “visa” shall have the same meaning as assigned to it under the Passport (Entry into India) Rules, 1950 made under the Passport (Entry into India) Act, 1920 (34 of 1920).

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section 14 Foreigners Act, 1946: 

A.K. Gopalan vs The State Of Madras.Union Of on 19 May, 1950

T. Suthenthiraraja,P vs State By D.S.P., Cbi, Sit, Chennai on 8 October, 1999

S. Shanmugadivelu, S. Nalini & vs State By D.S.P., Cbi, Sit, Chennai on 11 May, 1999

State Of Tamil Nadu Through vs Nalini And 25 Others on 11 May, 1999

Fateh Mohd, Son Of Nathu vs Delhi Administration on 27 November, 1962

State Of U.P. vs Rehmatullah on 23 April, 1971

State Of U. P vs Rahmatullah on 23 April, 1971

Abdul Sattar Haji Ibrahim Patel vs State Of Gujarat on 17 February, 1964

Mohd.Arif @ Ashfaq vs State Of Nct Of Delhi on 10 August, 2011

Nazir Khan And Ors vs State Of Delhi on 22 August, 2003

To download this dhara / Section of  Actuaries Act 2006 in pdf format use chrome web browser and use keys [Ctrl + P] and save as pdf.


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