Section 134 Customs Act, 1962


Section 134 Customs Act, 1962: 

Refusal to be X-rayed.—If any person—

(a) resist or refuses to allow a radiologist to screen or to take X-ray picture of his body in accordance with an order made by a magistrate under section 103, or

(b) resists or refuses to allow suitable action being taken on the advice and under the supervision of a registered medical practitioner for bringing out goods liable to confiscation secreted inside his body, as provided in section 103, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months, or with fine, or with both.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section 134 Customs Act, 1962:  

Department Of Customes vs Sharad Gandhi Proprietor on 27 February, 2019

Romesh Chandra Mehta vs State Of West Bengal on 18 October, 1968

Union Of India vs Anil Chanana & Another on 25 January, 2008

New Central Jute Mills Co. Ltd vs The Assistant Collector Of  on 8 September, 1970

Collector Of Customs And Central vs Paradip Port Trust And Anr on 8 August, 1990

P. Sankaran vs Assistant Collector Of Central on 12 February, 2008

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