Section 11 Aircraft Act 1934


Section 11 Aircraft Act 1934: 

 Penalty for flying so as to cause danger.—Whoever wilfully flies any aircraft in such a manner as to cause danger to any person or to any property on land or water or in the air shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months, or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees or with both.

Supreme Court of India Important Judgments And Leading Case Law Related to Section 11 Aircraft Act 1934:  Not Yet Available

M/S Chalet Hotels Limited vs M/S Hindustan Aeronautics  on 29 May, 2020

Captain Arvind Kathpalia vs State on 1 July, 2019

Lucky Dhawan vs State Of Punjab on 2 March, 2021

Baldev Singh vs State Of Punjab on 3 March, 2021

Peter James Gifran Von Kalkestein  vs State Of West Bengal And Ors. on 20 September, 2002

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