Jeeja Ghosh & Anr. vs Union of India & Ors. - Supreme Court

 Jeeja Ghosh & Anr. vs Union of India & Ors. - Supreme Court Important Judgment 2016 - 


On 12th May, 2016, in the case of Jeeja Ghosh & Anr. vs Union of India & Ors. [Writ Petition (C) No. 98 of 2012], the Supreme Court asked Respondent no.3 [SpiceJet Ltd] to pay Rupees Ten Lakhs to Jeeja Ghosh, an eminent activist involved in disability rights, for forcibly de-boarding her by the flight crew, because of her disability. The Court held that “a little care, a little sensitivity and a little positive attitude on the part of the officials of the airlines would not have resulted in the trauma, pain and suffering that Jeeja Ghosh had to undergo. This has resulted in violation of her human dignity and, thus, her fundamental right, though by a private enterprise (respondent No.3).” On the “finding that respondent No.3 acted in a callous manner, and in the process violated the Aircraft Rules, 1937 and Civil Aviation Requirements(CAR),2008 guidelines resulting in mental and physical suffering experienced by Jeeja Ghosh and also unreasonable discrimination against her”, the Court awarded a sum of Rs. 10,00,000 as damages to be payable to her by respondent No.3.


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